Bits of submersible with dead billionaires? Sand formed by the sudden and thorough crushing of a submersible with dead billionaires? The Logitech F710 aught to be mentioned as well. Of all the things cheap game controllers have endured, utterly destroyed by deep sea pressure is one. 3 months ago
I’m not sure those still fit the description 3 months ago
Bits of submersible with dead billionaires? Sand formed by the sudden and thorough crushing of a submersible with dead billionaires? The Logitech F710 aught to be mentioned as well. Of all the things cheap game controllers have endured, utterly destroyed by deep sea pressure is one. 3 months ago
Also the majority of it has been recovered and brought back up. The hull and billionaire bits are back on shore somewhere. 3 months ago
A small lump of metal, glass, bone and maybe a little goopie bits if they got trapped does not elicit the same mental image.