One of the most beautiful opening lines to a novel.
Abundantly clearly not.
Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. - William Gibson, Neuromancer
One of the most beautiful opening lines to a novel.
One of the most beautiful opening lines to a novel.
Abundantly clearly not.
“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness."
Torrents >> TV
Uh, no:
“The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.”
“Cheryl’s mind turned like the vanes of a wind-powered turbine, chopping her sparrow-like thoughts into bloody pieces that fell onto a growing pile of forgotten memories.”
The opposite of a Bullwer-Lytton! 3 months ago
If you remember that it was written in 1984, the color is obviously black and white static. If you don’t think about the year, you might be lead to believe it is blue. 3 months ago
Literally 1984