America is closer to fascism than China is. All fascism’s are authorization but not all authoritarian regimes are fascist. 4 months ago
Why do all fascists have that weird breeding obsession? 4 months ago 4 months ago
Well if you look at the (granted simple) definition of fascism other then being a far right party China kinda nails it Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.[4][5][6] Under fascism, the economy and other parts of society are heavily and closely controlled by the government, usually by using a form of authoritarian corporatism, where companies and workers are supposed to work together under national unity. The government uses violence and police power to arrest, kill or stop anyone it does not think useful.[3][7]
And that then leads us to the weird concept of emulated fascism, or far left fascism. How much does it matter to someone living under a authoritarian regime what we call it anyway? 4 months ago
Hmmm, now I need to do some research to see if that is a common trait of dictatorships. 4 months ago
They’re control freaks. The ultimate control is controlling life.