Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago
Owning shit isn’t working. Why is this controversial?
Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago
Owning shit isn’t working. Why is this controversial? 4 months ago
Because the right wing media wants it to be. The answer is simple.
Cool if owning property is work. Let’s abolish capital gains tax and charge it as income.
Because at the end of it. That is what the telegraph etc is saying. They are trying to argue Starmer agreed to hold all taxes when the manifesto clearly stated working taxes.
Cool call their bluff all capital gains is now charged as income tax. 4 months ago
Ain’t capitalism grand. 4 months ago
Well no other system would sell a waxing kit to a yeti.
So I spose its… unique 4 months ago
Nor does capitalism to be fair…
It’s certainly… something.