Any use of an LLM in understanding any subject or create any medium, be it papers or artwork, results in intellectual failure, as far as I’m concerned.
they didn’t say they used any kind of LLM though? they literally just kept a copy of the assignment (in plain text) to reference. did you use an LLM to try to understand their comment? lol
Its possible by “prompt” they were referring to assignment instructions, but that’s pretty pointless to copy and paste in the first place and very poor choice of words if so especially in a discussion about ChatGPT. 4 months ago
Wot? They didn’t say they cheated, they said they kept a copy of the prompt at the top of their document while working. 4 months ago
Any use of an LLM in understanding any subject or create any medium, be it papers or artwork, results in intellectual failure, as far as I’m concerned. 4 months ago
there is no LLM involved in ryven’s post: 4 months ago
lmao fuck off 4 months ago
You’re a fucking moron and probably a child. They’re telling a story from long before there were public LLMs. 4 months ago
they didn’t say they used any kind of LLM though? they literally just kept a copy of the assignment (in plain text) to reference. did you use an LLM to try to understand their comment? lol 4 months ago
Its possible by “prompt” they were referring to assignment instructions, but that’s pretty pointless to copy and paste in the first place and very poor choice of words if so especially in a discussion about ChatGPT. 4 months ago
There are workflows using LLMs that seem fair to me, for example
That seems like more work than doing it properly, but it avoids some of the sticking points of the proper process 4 months ago
Why would you share this with me, getting called a dumbass is your kink or something?