- Comment on Pluralistic: Bluesky and enshittification (02 Nov 2024) Cory Doctorow 3 months ago:
As I mentioned above, I don’t feel strongly about Bluesky winning, I just don’t like misinformation. (I also have other things I care about more that take up what little free time I have for tech stuff already, so I’m not going to undertake something major just to prove a point.) If there’s really a fundamental problem with AT Proto and how it can be used, Doctorow’s post should have made that explicit.
I did find a (more recent) post that goes into detail about what’s lacking, and I’ve edited my original post accordingly.
- Comment on Pluralistic: Bluesky and enshittification (02 Nov 2024) Cory Doctorow 3 months ago:
Here’s a post on how to set up a relay:…/Notes on Running a Full-Network atpr…
- Comment on Pluralistic: Bluesky and enshittification (02 Nov 2024) Cory Doctorow 3 months ago:
…how is it Bluesky’s responsibility to set up an independent server? If they’re the ones that set up the server, how can it be independent?
Doctorow’s complaint only makes sense as a critique of Bluesky itself if he’s talking about the technical aspects of AT Proto. If what he really means is just “nobody has bothered to actually deploy and maintain a fully separate relay instance”, that’s not a problem with Bluesky, it’s an ecosystem issue that he could help by encouraging people to do that work, rather than discouraging them from learning about the platform.
I honestly don’t have much stake in this fight, I’m just frustrated that, as far as I can tell, Doctorow, an intelligent person with a nontrivial following, appears to be spreading misinformation about what is or isn’t possible with Bluesky.
- Comment on Pluralistic: Bluesky and enshittification (02 Nov 2024) Cory Doctorow 3 months ago:
What is actually missing from AT Proto to be usable in the way Doctorow describes? He writes:
Bluesky lacks the one federated feature that is absolutely necessary for me to trust it: the ability to leave Bluesky and go to another host and continue to talk to the people I’ve entered into community with there. While there are many independently maintained servers that provide services to Bluesky and its users, there is only one Bluesky server. A federation of multiple servers, each a peer to the other, has been on Bluesky’s roadmap for as long as I’ve been following it, but they haven’t (yet) delivered it.
But according to the source code repo, federation features are fully available, including independent servers. There’s even a guide for setting up an independent server:
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
The stones were destroyed before the remaining Avengers found Thanos. That’s why they went back in time. And they needed Tony not to be killed by the snap (hence Strange’s bargain) so that he could invent time travel without relying on the time stone.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
You literally see individual people dissolving, and others being unaffected. How is this unclear?
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
His crush is literally Death, so it kinda makes sense that genocide would be the way to get her attention.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
I found something about some recent-ish LG TVs having a default mode that shows static, but I couldn’t find a clear answer on why, and the way to disable it is to enable “Cable DTV”, which seems to suggest that it might actually be trying to get analogue signal by default…?
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
That noise is horrible; why would someone simulate it rather than just show a blue screen?
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
The word “prompt” is used correctly here:
My college workflow was to copy the prompt and then “paste without formatting” in Word and leave that copy of the prompt at the top while I worked, I would absolutely have fallen for this. :P
That’s the comment you originally responded to. It’s two sentences (with a comma splice) and very clearly has nothing to do with AI.
Misreading this and misunderstanding it, as simple as it is, is embarrassing but understandable. Commenting “I hope you lose your degree” because you can’t read 28 words of text without drawing completely the wrong conclusion is, again, embarrassing, but not dire.
Arguing in multiple comment threads about it, while your misunderstanding is repeatedly and clearly explained to you, and then saying you “stand by” all of this, makes it clear that you are a complete idiot.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
Do you mean that you think a student not using an AI might do that by accident? Otherwise I’m not sure how it’s relevant that there might be a real person with that name.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
Holy shit, “prompt” is not primarily an AI word. I get not reading an entire article or essay before commenting, but maybe you should read an entire couple of sentences before making a complete ass of yourself for multiple comments in a row. If you can’t manage that, just say nothing! It’s that easy!
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
Wot? They didn’t say they cheated, they said they kept a copy of the prompt at the top of their document while working.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
Presumably the teacher knows which students would need that, and accounts for it.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
…whose published work on the essay’s subject you can cite?