Ok. Your point being?
Comment on [deleted]
InverseParallax@lemmy.world 4 months agoAggressive wars again neighbours - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_War en.wikipedia.org/…/Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine
Creating a lebensraum for chosen race - en.wikipedia.org/…/Population_transfer_in_the_Sov…
forcibly transferred populations of various groups. These actions may be classified into the following broad categories: deportations of “anti-Soviet” categories of population (often classified as “enemies of the people”), deportations of entire nationalities, labor force transfer, and organized migrations in opposite directions to fill ethnically cleansed territories. Dekulakization marked the first time that an entire class was deported, whereas the deportation of Soviet Koreans in 1937 marked the precedent of a specific ethnic deportation of an entire nationality.[9]
Racism and racist laws - ditto
Exterminating lesser races - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor
Ghettos and concentration camps - Literally all of Siberia as gulags: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag
Tortures - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrentiy_Beria
I mean Beria counts as torture and serial pedophilic rape, so take your pick.
Krzd@lemmy.world 4 months ago
InverseParallax@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Very Nazi’esque.
Russians deserve everything they’re getting, and watching them get it is fun :)
Krzd@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Who said that they don’t qualify for the term “Nazi behaviour”?
FelixCress@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Are you a little bit slow, sweetie?
InverseParallax@lemmy.world 4 months ago
No, I’m not Russian, I’m actually American.
You know, the ones who didn’t lose their entire empire because someone raised taxes on vodka.
InverseParallax@lemmy.world 4 months ago
BTW, the secret to not being slow?
Your mom should drink while she’s pregnant, at least not a fifth of vodka every day.
Denjin@lemmings.world 4 months ago
What’s your point? The term Nazi no longer specifically refers to someone who is a member of a now defunct political party in Germany, but anyone who has those values, commits those crimes or shares those views.
So by a more modern definition of Nazi, Stalin and Beria were Nazis.
You’re arguing semantics as if it somehow excuses Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity which they are definitely committing or depending on how strict your definition of genocide is, they may also be committing.
InverseParallax@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Fine, and Putin?
Forester@yiffit.net 4 months ago
Is this rhetorical? He’s an autocratic dictator who has purged competition is committing/ committed an invasion of his neighbors and trying to re-establish into Russian ethno State. What point are you trying to prove. clearly by the definitions that us random passers by to this comment section have understood he is a Nazi in the modern vernacular.