Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months agonot smoke/vape related… but I remember buying a couple of these one shot power banks. Disposable thing, it was in like a pouch rather than a case. I did some googling… it looked a lot like this:…/B0BGMK7NWV?th=1
link disclaimer, DO NOT buy this crap
but it was about 10 years ago, they were like a quid each and I think I saw a basket of them at a market stall or something and I got 2. Anyway, lived in my work rucksack for a very long time, never being needed. I lost one, and the otherone the pouch got a bit damaged, so I thought sod it, lets open it.
Couldn’t believe it, I was expecting a bunch of alkaline button batteries connected together through a little zener circuit, but no, it was a straight up lithium ion battery. 4 months ago
It should surprise me, but not as anymore. It must be economies of scale making lithium batteries the cheapest thing to do now.