Yes. Half the country thinks Trump is for the little guy and Harris is an elitist asshole.
Trump was born rich. Harris grew up middle class and a member of two minority groups. The problem is the democrats are shit at messaging. It’s why Walz calling republicans weird took off. Democrats don’t usually come up with sound bites like that. 4 months ago
It’s super frustrating but as an example - my parents are deeply conservative and supportive of Trump, and also on the lower end of “wealth” and semi-retired. It is 100% misinformation. My Dad quotes the Fox news rhetoric like it’s facts, and regardless of me disproving most of the BS, he is completely brain washed. At this point Trump could run a live execution of his political opponents and the Trumpets would more or less shrug. 4 months ago
They wouldn’t just shrug. They would actively cheer it on.