Those evil leftists always pushing… checks notes corporate culture!
Comment on Proud globohomo 4 months ago
This is an actual term apparently in common circulation, though homophobia wasn’t even its original intent:…
Emerging in 2016, this multi-purpose, right-wing troll invention combines homophobia and anti-Semitism. Researcher David Futrelle’s well-known misogyny tracking site We Hunted The Mammoth offers this summary: “Ostensibly, ‘globohomo’ is short for ‘global homogenization,’ an alleged vast conspiracy to destroy ‘traditional’ culture and values and replace them with a sort of global (naturally) corporate uniculture. But it’s rarely used in this way, at least not exactly. For those who’ve seized upon the term, ‘globo’ means ‘globalist’ and therefore Jews; while ‘homo’ (the suffix) means, well, ‘homo’ (the slur). (Some, evidently worried that ‘globohomo’ isn’t gay-sounding enough, add ‘gayplex’ to it — ‘globohomogayplex.’).” According to the Online Hate Research and Education Project, white nationalists and other hate movements use “globohomo” to allege the existence of a global plot to promote the so-called ‘‘LGBTQ+ agenda,” a similarly minded conspiracy theory (promoted by certain sectors of the Christian religious right) alleging that LGBTQ people aim to surpass the rights of other groups and “groom youth into identifying as part of the community.” 4 months ago 4 months ago
I thought globohomo was an alternate name for corporate Memphis? 4 months ago
and how do you think they arrived there? They think large corporations that have to toe the line with HR are using it.
Corporations : globo
HR : homo.
NB : I do not agree with these views, I merely understand what the views are and I am trying to educate mr kralk