Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago
I’d like to see any scientific study that reassures at least a little that this won’t have terrible ramifications for ecosystems and the food chain.
We know too little, we are shortsighted and we have a bad record of intervening with nature. 4 months ago
It’s a pretty ineffective strategy, but I’m just going off this one photo.
If it’s genetic, and the females can’t get a blood meal, then they won’t lay any eggs to pass on those genetics and just die.
Then the ones without that gene will lay all their eggs and the next generation will be unchanged and they have to spend all that money again to do whatever they did which had no effect. 4 months ago
Knowing a bit about crispr my understanding is that crispr is the technology that can be used to circumvent that scenario by making the effects kind of like an genetic time bomb