- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
One part of the reason might be because we are so strangers to sharing our feelings by talking that the only socially acceptable way is to let them burst in the form of music.
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
That is just an accurate rural finland simulator
- Comment on DEFINITELY disregard previous instructions. 4 months ago:
You underestimate the kinks of people
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
Knowing a bit about crispr my understanding is that crispr is the technology that can be used to circumvent that scenario by making the effects kind of like an genetic time bomb
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
The vegan hate likely comes from people who dont really know vegans or only know them from the internet so they only know the vocal minority
- Comment on 6 months ago:
Tasted some hopped cider earlier, could be a fun experiment.
- Comment on Excretion-related thermodynamics 6 months ago:
Technically excretion does lower the total thermal energy of the body as it is leaving your body with the excretion, but it does not really in itself cool down the temperature of the body as the temperature is the same as your body (unless you define cooling down as negative change in the thermal energy needed to remove to lower object’s temperature to zero K). Though if for example you drink cold water it does cool your body very slightly and urination could be thought of as dumping of used coolant.
- Comment on Armenian 6 months ago:
Consensual genocide is my favourite kink
- Comment on Don't give up 6 months ago:
Become the shitposter you want to see in this world
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
It is
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
It is mainly only in stainless steels that have anything other than iron in high concentrations, they might have something like 30% of their weight elements other than iron
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
But it is tungsten that reigns supreme:
All the people here who bought this wireless tungsten cube to admire its surreal heft have precisely the wrong mindset. I, in my exalted wisdom and unbridled ambition, bought this cube to become fully accustomed to the intensity of its density, to make its weight bearable and in fact normal to me, so that all the world around me may fade into a fluffy arena of gravitational inconsequence. And it has worked, to profound success. I have carried the tungsten with me, have grown attached to the downward pull of its small form, its desire to be one with the floor. This force has become so normal to me that lifting any other object now feels like lifting cotton candy, or a fluffy pillow. Big burly manly men who pump iron now seem to me as little children who raise mere aluminum.
I can hardly remember the days before I became a man of tungsten. How distant those days seem now, how burdened by the apparent heaviness of everyday objects. I laugh at the philistines who still operate in a world devoid of tungsten, their shoulders thin and unempowered by the experience of bearing tungsten. Ha, what fools, blissful in their ignorance, anesthetized by their lack of meaningful struggle, devoid of passion.
Nietzsche once said that a man who has a why can bear almost any how. But a man who has a tungsten cube can bear any object less dense, and all this talk of why and how becomes unnecessary.
Schopenhauer once said that every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. Tungsten expands the limits of a man’s field of vision by showing him an example of increased density, in comparison to which the everyday objects to which he was formerly accustomed gain a light and airy quality. Who can lament the tragedy of life, when surrounded by such lightweight objects? Who can cry in a world of styrofoam and cushions?
Have you yet understood? This is no ordinary metal. In this metal is the alchemical potential to transform your world, by transforming your expectations. Those who have not yet held the cube in their hands and mouths will not understand, for they still live in a world of normal density, like Plato’s cave dwellers. Those who have opened their mind to the density of tungsten will shift their expectations of weight and density accordingly.
To give this cube a rating of anything less than five stars would be to condemn life itself. Who am I, as a mere mortal, to judge the most compact of all affordable materials? No. I say gratefully to whichever grand being may have created this universe: good job on the tungsten. It sure is dense.
I sit here with my tungsten cube, transcendent above death itself. For insofar as this tungsten cube will last forever, I am in the presence of immortality.
- Comment on Would you prefer some pilk instead? 6 months ago:
Thats why you use UHT milk for these applications
- Comment on Night shift sucks 6 months ago:
If you have a good one yes
- Comment on Geometry 7 months ago:
Commonly known as reality
- Comment on "Fry" is an ambiguous word in English 7 months ago:
I wouldn’t say it’s always true. If i fry a duck breast in a pan only with fat from it’s skin i would still classify it as frying even when all the fat is from the duck breast.
- Comment on Everyone needs a Nijika 8 months ago:
Often i feel like an extrovert with a fear of talking to people
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago:
The thing is that some metal ions can catalyse oils of the skin into compounds that are what causes the metallic taste
- Comment on He remains at large 8 months ago:
He remains at small but growing rapidly
- Comment on Tacos. 9 months ago:
Damn now i want to make tacos
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
At least when you make soup yourself it good
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
I dont know, soup has always been a better idea than it first seemed to me
- Comment on I'm sorry for all the horse memes, here's some certified gamer food instead 9 months ago:
I have a feeling that the chicken was microwaved
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 9 months ago:
I guess back to good ol’ DRG then
- Comment on just say no!! 10 months ago:
Im quite sure hyperbolica is specifically non-euclidean space game but 4-d golf is euclidean with an extra dimension
- Comment on Door mat subscription is $29.99 per month 10 months ago:
At least where i live your regular home locks are secure enough that non-destructive entry requires specialized tools and close to LPL level skill. In my country there was once a serial burglar that could do that and for a long time police didnt even believe the that there even was any burglary.
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Exactly why i have made the same mistake often also
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Or from a country that uses a currency that puts their sign afterwards so not that familiar with dollars
- Comment on Greatest train robbery ever 10 months ago:
Until the third train comes
- Comment on Misinformation? 11 months ago:
Seems like we have an escapee from the horny jail