It’s funny. I went to a libertarian convention and watched as the pundit they invited to rant speak went off about how US fiat money was worthless and who agreed and every hand went up. He pulled out a 20 and ‘who thinks this is worthless’ and every hand went up. Let’s test this who wants this 20 and every hand went up. Dude tore up the twenty and may have ended his rant speech a dozen minutes early. Libertarian conventions used to be hilarious. Haven’t been to one in a decade tho.
Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago
Well when paper money is continually speeding towards zero value, it’s no surprise that the most privileged have an endless supply. 4 months ago 4 months ago
The proof is in the pudding… we need more heroes like that. 4 months ago
Well when paper money is continually speeding towards zero value
Zeno’s Monetary Policy 4 months ago
Time to start saving bottle caps I guess.