Comment on Telegram is exposing their users privacy. 3 months agoSignal requires that as well. Their privacy is definitely not bullshit. As far as I can tell, it’s a spam mitigation method.
Comment on Telegram is exposing their users privacy. 3 months agoSignal requires that as well. Their privacy is definitely not bullshit. As far as I can tell, it’s a spam mitigation method. 3 months ago
It’s bad for privacy no matter how you sell it. Unless you have a good amount of disposable income to buy up burner numbers all the time, a phone number tends to be incredibly identifying. So if a government agency comes along saying “Hey, we know this account sent this message and you have to give us everything you have about this account,” for the average person, it doesn’t end up being that different than having given them your full id. 3 months ago
Another aspect is the social graph. It’s targeted for normies to easily switch to.
By using phone numbers, you can message your friends without needing to have them all register usernames and tell them to you. It also means Signal doesn’t need to keep a copy of your contact list on their servers, everyone has their local contact list.
This means private messages for loads of people, their goal.
It’s a bit backwards, since your account is your phone number, the agency would be asking “give us everything you have from this number”. They’ve already IDed you at that point. 3 months ago
Yep, at that point they’re just fishing for more which, hey, why wouldn’t they.
It’s a give and take for sure, requiring a real phone number makes it harder for automated spam bots to use the service, but at the same time, it puts the weight of true privacy on the shoulders and wallets of the users, and in a lesser way, incentives the use of less than reputable services, should a user want to truly keep their activities private.
And yeah, there’s an argument to be made for keeping crime at bay, but that also comes with risks itself. If there was some way to keep truly egregious use at bay while not risking a $10,000 fine on someone for downloading an episode of Ms. Marvel, I think that would be great. 3 months ago
I mean it’s not ideal but as long as it’s not tied to literally any other information, the way Signal does it, it’s “fine”, and certainly not “pure bullshit”.
They have done this several times, they get nothing 3 months ago
Says right there in the subpoena “You are required to provide all information tied to the following phone numbers.” This means that the phone number requirement has already created a leak of private information in this instance, Signal simply could add more to it.
Additionally, that was posted in 2021. Since then, Signal has introduced usernames to “keep your phone number private.” Good for your average Joe Blow, but should another subpoena be submitted, this time stating “You are required to provide all information tied to the following usernames,” this time they will have something to give, being the user’s phone number, which can then be used to tie any use of Signal they already have proof of back to the individual.
Yeah, it’s great that they don’t log what you send, but that doesn’t help if they get proof in any other way. The fact is, because of the phone number requirement, anything you ever send on Signal can easily be tied back to you should it get out, and that subpoena alone is proof that it does. 3 months ago
What information? The gov already had the phone number. They needed it to make the request.
No, they won’t. Here’s a more recent one.. Matter of fact, here’s a full list of all of them. Notice the lack of any usernames provided. What else ya got?
If they’re getting evidence outside of Signal, that’s outside the scope of this discussion.
…no. It can’t.
It’s proof that it doesn’t. [bot] 3 months ago
Guys like you see privacy as a monolith, that it never is. Unusable privacy is meanigless as email had shown. Privacy of communications does not mean privacy of communicators and usable authentication can be more important then anonymity.
And all this has to be realised on real-world servers, that are always in reach of real world goverment.