- Comment on In psychotherapists vs. ChatGPT showdown, the latter wins, new study finds 3 weeks ago:
Patients explaining they liked what they heared - not if it is correct or relevant to the cause. There is not even a pipeline for escalation, because AIs don’t think.
- Comment on Magnus Carlsen: Chess champion quits FIDE tournament after being told to change jeans 2 months ago:
He cared the 100 other tournaments, and he would have cared if his first 2-3 days weren’t terrible and not be out of winning the tournament.
- Comment on Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens 5 months ago:
Holding forward during the loading screen is not better than being free to do anything.
Noone is against background loading. This is a given. People are against pseudo interaction.
- Comment on Telegram is exposing their users privacy. 5 months ago:
Guys like you see privacy as a monolith, that it never is. Unusable privacy is meanigless as email had shown. Privacy of communications does not mean privacy of communicators and usable authentication can be more important then anonymity.
And all this has to be realised on real-world servers, that are always in reach of real world goverment.
- Comment on I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying. 5 months ago:
Maybe look out for single player games?
Diablo-likes are not good, when the design team thinks about retention and game time instead of accessibilty.
Stuff like Van Hellsing, Victor Vran and other AA release are not about the grind.
Insteaf of 120 hours of PoE you can have 30-40hrs of 3 to 4 different diablo-likes a d I will tell you the difference is greater then within PoE.
- Comment on It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation 6 months ago:
Isnt Icefrog one of the lead devs? I guess he likes this style of game. How many Total Wars, 4x and CoDs were released while Valve made one more Dota-like. Valve has some cool people working, vut O don’t see a Suda51, a Raphael, Swery or Co, who has the focus to develope such a single player experience. If the flat structure with ‘at will’ project focus is still a thing, than sp games have probably a problem getting devs.
- Comment on The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO 9 months ago:
Why would you punish high apm? Thats punishing people for being better.
If you free up actions, good players will use the free space for other options.
If it only taked 50% skill to defend an expandion, people will double expand or expand and attack at the same time.
- Comment on The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO 9 months ago:
I feel like people dont understand, that the RT part in rtd will always be the important part.
SC1 had build pipe lines and it wad still better to issue commands seperatley, because the player is more flexible.
A strategy is worthless if it csn be executed and the limits of execution create strategy.
Extraordinary pathing and all-select created the a-click deathball, that is one of the most boring ways to see, play and lose to.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
Just black list people like a normal company - whoever i suspect they did this to revoke access during EA.
- Comment on Adobe’s ‘Ethical’ Firefly AI Was Trained on Midjourney Images 10 months ago:
But are they? The amount must be minuscle as searching and selecting costs time. What impact can thoughtful selected images have?
- Comment on UK flooded with forged stamps despite using barcodes — to prevent just that 10 months ago:
Ay one point Deutsche POST even had a sms-service for stamps. Probably thr easiest way to get a stamp.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Having tab groups is not identical to using 30 tabs simultaneously.
It’s more like 2D bookmark layout, group by content, group by identity (cookies and co) and all with a website screenshot. It’s faster, more visual bookmarks.
- Comment on Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection now available on Steam 11 months ago:
wc3remake is ass, but thanks to the community the game is in a pretty good state.
It’s kind of good, that blizzard is not to invested. The stuff w3champion and co do for map pool and variety is above blizzards abilities.
- Comment on Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions 1 year ago:
Project L will not use LoL But Valorant as base.
Riot is a fan of fomo and high pricess.
- Comment on Can someone explain why authors do this? 1 year ago:
A,B,C,D - A talks to B, C listens to A,…
Alice, Bob, Charlie,…
For this reason the first persona in my software is always Alice Litte, Easier than “asfgg afshd”
- Comment on RIP Microsoft WordPad. You Will Be Missed 1 year ago:
The KDE for windows software as a whole is pretty good.
I use KDEConnect to combine phone and windows. It although makes changing between OS a lot more fluid.
- Comment on Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit 1 year ago:
Yes. Yes it is. It doesnot matter how a monopoly was created. It’s the definition of a current market state, not behaviour.
In many countries it although does not have be a true monopoly (aka a single object), but a undisputed, sizeable market portion.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
And a quick, lore-correct “quick-load”. Ut feels really good to try again without gaving to explicitly reload.
- Comment on Games that require you to unlock the basic functions of the game can suck my nuts. 1 year ago:
limit the mp to ghost and “coop” modes - case closed
- Comment on Apparently, all you need to do to "git gud" in an online FPS is to reduce hand "stress" while aiming. 1 year ago:
It’s not common. Most use the default config if shootinh with leftclick.
Shooting on space or another keyboard key i only saw with arena shooter players and it was single digit amount of people.
- Comment on Nowadays, on certain games and game launchers, you can play the game before its fully downloaded. How is possible? 1 year ago:
What he described was done multiple times. In MMOs and single player games. The low res loading is in addition.
Jumping ahead of the designed game experience can indead force additional loading screens.
- Comment on It’s a game for kids! 1 year ago:
Before studying CS, I recognized it as ‘the bioware puzzle’. They were probably copying their own scribbles fron back then.
Haskell was the hardest, but it looked the most beautiful.
- Comment on The summer is over, schools are back, and the data is in: ChatGPT is mainly a tool for cheating on homework. 1 year ago:
You just wrote bad homework is bad because it’s bad. That is not an argument against HW.
- Comment on The summer is over, schools are back, and the data is in: ChatGPT is mainly a tool for cheating on homework. 1 year ago:
You don’t just get better at playing the piano by reading about it. Your cardio doesn’t increads by reading papers and 45min lecture is not enough for individual work in a 20 pupil glass.
- Comment on What if public transit was like Uber? A small city ended its bus service to find out 1 year ago:
Take a normal bike. Finnland is able to support this.
- Comment on Smurfing is Not Welcome in Dota 1 year ago:
don’t forget fun stuff like:
mouse and keyboard config
audio and visual config
and the ability of the creating and looking into a log file in the gamr folder
- Comment on Why do developers keep adding virtual cursors to console games? 1 year ago:
I think the primarily reason is that uniform AI is cost and time saving.
The virtual cursor is easily replaceable by a mouse and at th same time allows you to design a cursor driven UI for console.
It’s not the best for either, but usable for the timw invested.