- Comment on Check your DVDs for disc rot — Warner Bros. says it’s replacing them 18 hours ago:
TBF, the words “in print” are the only part of that text that hints to the format provided.
- Comment on TIL there's appliances to help with waffle stomping, Thanks Google 19 hours ago:
Pure information, unfortunately.
- Comment on UnleashedRecomp: A static recompilation of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed 1 week ago:
Started playing this. Made me remember that I didn’t like Unleashed… Amazing nonetheless.
- Comment on Meta fires 20 employees for leaking 1 week ago:
Zuck looks like his dick is constantly leaking.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Most likely because that would put lifting at an Olympic level. It’s something anyone would question regardless of gender, and rightfully so.
- Comment on If I was a Health Care CEO after Luigi and felt in fear of my life from someone else how would I hire security? What would be a good deal? And does security act like the Secret Service to take a bulle 2 weeks ago:
The best solution to solving those uneasies would be to make your business less evil and exploitive. The fastest has already been covered.
- Comment on PERIPETEIA: An indie ImSim 2 weeks ago:
Good to know, but honestly, it’s gonna be so long before I can actually think about getting this that it probably won’t apply anymore. I’ve got all of $37 and some Discover Rewards points right now.
- Comment on PERIPETEIA: An indie ImSim 2 weeks ago:
Looks cool. Wishlisted, maybe I’ll be able to grab it eventually.
- Comment on Cool Dog 2 weeks ago:
Good dog.
- Comment on When in casual conversation, I take 1d4 + N psychic damage. N is the number of turrns the conversation has lasted. 2 weeks ago:
I’ve disassociated once, and it was while I was taking a shit.
- Comment on Some mistakes may have been made 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 weeks ago:
I’m defending Nazi’s or Nazi salutes.
Accidental honesty, lmao?
The fact that, upon learning literal Nazism is the reason behind this, you turn around and say, “Now hold on, let’s get the facts, good people on both sides, blah blah blah,” kinda tells the whole story.
- Comment on How often do you run backups on your system? 2 weeks ago:
I do not as I cannot afford the extra storage required to do so.
- Comment on Why are tornado sirens only for tornadoes and not other severe storm events? 2 weeks ago:
Generally, they’re actually multipurpose outdoor warning sirens. If you call them tornado sirens like me, chances are you live in tornado alley, also like me. I didn’t learn they were called anything else until I got Everbridge and started getting notifications about “outdoor warning sirens test today.”
- Comment on Are "Lifetime" Cloud Storage Plans scams? 3 weeks ago:
In my experience, every “lifetime” digital service I’ve ever made the mistake of purchasing has been a scam.
- Comment on 3 weeks ago:
Okay, but, Picard is for managing an already existing library, not downloading new music…
- Comment on 3 weeks ago:
Isn’t Musicbrainz an info database like Discogs?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
There’s no point to reporting, DeviantArt enables its users to repost and even claim copyright on other people’s art. The only true option for reporting is finding the original artist and convincing them to make a DMCA claim.
- Comment on Netflix accidentally made its content show up in the Apple TV app 3 weeks ago:
Are you talking about the recommendations feature the home screen has or is there something
betterelse that I don’t know about? - Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 4 weeks ago:
Holy fuck, “le epic”? Jesus Christ, it’s 2010.
- Comment on Court orders Automattic to restore WP Engine's access to | TechCrunch 2 months ago:
A very short summary that may not be entirely accurate but is close enough:
WP Engine made a good amount of money off of WordPress without contributing back, and Automattic broke their own license to fight them, all the while the CEO became increasingly unhinged.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Chances are, the CEO should’ve been prosecuted for whatever precipitated this long ago. Sounds like suicide by victim to me.
- Comment on What would be the top ten items in a MAGA starter pack? 3 months ago:
Imagine actually fucking believing this, lmao.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Bluesky: eXodus continues as TERFS lose their brain-rotted minds 3 months ago:
Are the Russian fascists in the room right now?
Bluesky was founded by Jack Dorsey and is currently majority-owned and ran by Jay Graber, a Chinese-American woman from Tulsa.
Hell, I even searched specifically for controversies and Russian connections, and absolutely everything that came up said the exact opposite of your claims here.
- Comment on Are the inside parts of toilets universal? 3 months ago:
Not even national. I have a toilet with a ceramic flush valve built into the tank and it’s almost impossible to find a flapper that’s set up for this.
- Comment on French court blocks Google project to limit news content in searches 3 months ago:
Considering that some searches right now tend to be thirty different “news” sites republishing the same article… I dunno how to feel about this.
- Comment on Talking to dead people through AI: the business of ‘digital resurrection’ might not be helpful, ethical… or even legal. 4 months ago:
Also Doctor Who.
- Comment on Malicious CAPTCHA delivers Lumma and Amadey Trojans. 4 months ago:
Wait, is that the actual like it copies? Does powershell just straight up parse base64?
- Comment on Looks like the good times are over for Temu ( and Chinese sites like them) 4 months ago:
That’s not specific to shitty suspicious marketplaces. Fucking Chase Bank allowed some fucker to use my E-mail address with no verification. I didn’t have any idea until I started getting emails about this asshole’s mortgage. They won’t do a damned thing about it, either.