Comment on Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory? 4 months ago“BuT iT’s SeLf DeFeNsE!!! YoU hAtE JeWs!!”
I can’t wait until Bibi can rest in piss… Fucking scumbag.
Comment on Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory? 4 months ago“BuT iT’s SeLf DeFeNsE!!! YoU hAtE JeWs!!”
I can’t wait until Bibi can rest in piss… Fucking scumbag. 4 months ago
I kinda understood the disproportionate response for the first few weeks of this war. I just thought they were trying to be thorough, or to make a point, so that those terrorist events didn’t happen again. As time went on I started to see more indiscriminate bombing, more killing of civilians, more territory being claimed by Israel.
The pager “supply chain attack” was madness, they had no regard for who might be nearby. That seemed a lot like the terrorism this started this current leg of the conflict and was a clear escalation of the conflict. They haven’t been able to claim self-defense for a very long time. They are clearly the aggressors, and yup, if you try to criticize their actions your are accused of being an anti-zionist or a nazi. It’s all so broken and sad. 4 months ago
Hopefully you see now that Israel deserved and earned 10/7, that this response from them is nothing new, that this fascist colonial project masquerading as a country has been doing this nonstop since before it’s official formation in the 1940s. 4 months ago
Sorry, no, I do not see it that way. While Israel has slowly settled additional territory, things have been relatively peaceful there for the last decade or so. There is no excuse for terrorism. 4 months ago
I can’t reconcile
The IDF is stealing land, making people homeless, burning crops, murdering Palestinians, and so on.
What is an appropriate response in your view? 4 months ago
2023, in September, there was an article from AP News revealing that 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children to be the last twenty years. The causes of death? The IDF. Exclusively. 10/7 happened because Israel has been causing escalating violence for the last 20 years after 60 years of mild to extreme violence. 4 months ago
“pacified” isn’t “peaceful”. They control the actual water, power and access into and out of Palestine. There’s nothing above-board that isn’t within their power to cut off at a whim.
That’s absolute power over a group they hate. You learned what absolute power does, right? You know what hate does?
The media’s acceptance of anything bibi has done since coming into power has caused a lot of shady shit to be ignored. Really bad stuff.
I don’t condone violence but I know I’m not the jurist to pass judgement over 10/7 or a hundred things before it. I have food, water, and a safe bed, and I have no frame of reference to understand the context under which a people treated like starving dogs for 3 generations have risen up to bite their unwanted master.
But I can opine on a people who condemn guerilla warfare on one hand and commit actual terrorism with the other. 4 months ago
Oh, look. Liberals ignoring Israeli terrorism for the last 76 years as long as their precious “free press” can pretend it’s “relatively peaceful.”
Hamas did nothing wrong. Period. 4 months ago
Ahhh, yes. So you prefer quiet suffering to loud suffering so you can more easily ignore it. Me too, bro. Me too.