It is true. I specifically mentioned Chimera and Bazzite. The experience is totally different with those. Also if you have an Nvidia GPU, you’re probably going to have a bad time regardless. Left that bit out. But I solved that problem by switching to AMD.
That’d be cool if that was true… But I installed nobara on my brand new PC and kingdom come crashed when I fast traveled, Hades 2 ran at like 20 fps, and dragons dogma just wouldn’t launch. I get Linux is cool and all but I don’t have time to troubleshoot every game I install anymore… 5 months ago 5 months ago
Not quite “just works” but I’d be willing to bet that your computer defaulted to the iGPU instead of your dGPU because you didn’t specify as such in your launch options 5 months ago
I’d be willing to get those games run fine on a console and in Windows with no extra steps. 5 months ago
So you don’t download your GPU drivers? That’s more steps than adding a launch option 5 months ago
I don’t know if you’ve used Windows lately, but you get the GPU drivers on a fresh install (if you’re using a remotely mainstream video card).