Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago
People like to read those stories because it gives them hope it also happens to them. Media print stories that you want to read, that’s how they make money.
Other stories people like to read: how to world is going to shit (evolutionairy important to prepare to survive), what someone that’s familiar to you did (evolutionary important to be social to work together to survive), stories about how someone else did something stupid (complaining about that toghether gives yoh a sense of belonging) and stories about how a pet cat was retrieved (tickling that instinct to care for others again).
As you can see, media is looking for stories that tickle your most basic insticts and needs, because they know that’s what you will be interested in, making you read their stories so they can make more money.
Welcome to capitalism, you are the product. 5 months ago
Filthy capitalists, giving people what they want! 5 months ago
Indeed, instead of what they need. It’s like only giving sugar to your kid to eat instead of vegetables, because that’s what they “want”. Oh wait that’s actually what happens as well 5 months ago
That only confirms my hypothesis that leftists don’t want a system of governance, but mom and dad… 5 months ago
I just want the climate not to collapse. 5 months ago
the hell are you doing on lemmy then