Oh yes, Hermes is one of the worst. I try to avoid them and rather pay an additional fee for a DHL delivery.
However, Hermes is good for deilveries from foreign countries. I once ordered a DVD and some clothes from Great Britain. Since they are not an EU member anymore (the order was around the time Brexit was executed), the delivery usually has to go through customs. With Hermes you can avoid that, because legally they are considered not to be a “classic” postal delivery entity (I don’t now the exact term anymore), which exempts them of going through customs.
Recieving the parcel was an emotional rollercoaster, because I was not able to track its’ whereabouts at some point. It was “lost” (ate least not traceable) for four weeks in France.
AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world 5 months ago
In most cases, there’s no point contacting the transporter. They have no contract with you, so your opinion on their performance is fairly irrelevant. The one they have a deal with is the seller. So that’s who you have to get information back to.
volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 5 months ago
100%. Back then I didn’t know that, I assumed contacting the delivery service was the logical step. Some googling then showed me that was wrong and I should have contacted the company right away. But that wasn’t even a thing I thought about googling - it seemed like the feud was with me and Hermes only.
But everyone, take notes.