Any two objects will orbit each other in a plane. The interesting things start to happen after a third body is introduced.
Comment on Why is space 2 dimensional? 5 months ago
I asked this question many years ago on a Usenet group, and the answer was along the lines of what we’re seeing is many millions of years after those orbits began, and that they all eventually flatten out due to the gravity of the other objects in orbit.
So you could have 2 objects at roughly the same orbital distance but perpendicular to one another (eg. one orbiting the star’s poles and the other around it’s equator), and over time the small amount of gravitational force they exert on one another will bring them roughly into the same plane.
Hopefully someone better versed in the topic can come along to explain it better than I can. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I feel that might become a… problem. 5 months ago
Keeping in mind the object with the larger mass will (over those millions of years) pull the smaller object closer in all dimensions/planes
It’s still hard for me to get my head around, it would be great to see an animation showing this with perhaps 3 or 4 objects. It’s especially hard for me to visualize the gas cloud around a star coelescing into a plane, even before the more solid objects form.
Is this because of rotational mechanics around the star? 5 months ago
So, the star and planets all started as one big gas nebula, then the nebuka as a whole started spinning due to uneven distribution of matter within the cloud as it condensed. This spin increased over time and as the sun formed in the center, and planets clumped around in its orbit. The spin relative to each other, along with some interesting collisions between massive bodies, is why a few don’t fit the general mold of spinning the same ways on the same plane. We may have even picked up a planet or teo over time that was ejected from another solar system!
This video does an ok job of explaining the spinning and planet formation part. I’m sure thete are better ones out there. 5 months ago
It’s like how the earth bulges out at the equator.
The momentum pulls them out, gravity pulls it back. Similar thing at the solar and galactic planes.
They “bulge” relatively to the spin of the material over time and the clumps of material then forms planets along that general plane.