The chair-person makes 2.5 million a year…
It think the problem might be they have too much money…
Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago
Until people are donating enough money to make maintaining an open source browser doable, this will continue to happen.
The chair-person makes 2.5 million a year…
It think the problem might be they have too much money… 5 months ago
The thing is that we need a better donation system, for people to trust it.
An auditable system, and goal oriented.
I’m tired of donating to something and seeing that instead of the good project I wanted my money went to some crazy side project or to some over the top salaries for high corporate.
We need some kind of trustable platform that audits where donation money goes, and enforces binding of the donated money for the purpose it was donated for.
I got really burned with the whole wikiMedia thing. And since them I’m very cautious to who I donate to.