So you are against any lobbying? Green campaigners are lobbying for personal gain because they want a habitable planet. Even if you have a vested interest, surely you are allowed to have an opinion? If you have an opinion surely you are allowed to express it? If you are allowed to express it, surely people are allowed to listen to it? Should politicians be insulated from all industry voices, even if they have a valid point?
Just seems weird that no one really cared about it until this guy popped up on the radar. 5 months ago
It could also be seen as less personal gain and more that he put his money where is mouth is and made a company to actually do what he’s been proposing schools need to do. Now they have the avenue to do so. 5 months ago
Yeah maybe. I’m certainly conflicted on this, because I don’t think he’s wrong, but him financially benefitting from this in a big way does leave a slight sour taste in my mouth. 5 months ago
He’s not campaigning to have his company’s food served at schools, just for the rule compelling schools to serve meat to be changed. His argument is that it is better for children’s health and for the environment that less meat is eaten - and he’s right. It doesn’t automatically follow that his company will gain from any change, as there are many other options available to schools and it’s perfectly possible for existing meat providers to start providing meatless meals. 5 months ago
A bit like some of his food - it’s not that great. but he has a point as it should not be compulsory for meat to be served. I the staff and pupils were 100% vegetarian, then you wouldn’t expect meat to be back on the menu boys!