They’re turning the freaking racoons gray!
Comment on rabioli 4 months ago
Those poor raccoons. I don’t know what an autistic raccoon looks like, but these scientists should be ashamed of their… hmmm. I actually have no idea what the conspiracy behind animal vaccinations would be. Big science profiting just doesn’t fit right. 4 months ago 4 months ago
Damn you Bill Gates!!
[shakes fist at sky?] 4 months ago
I used to work in veterinary medicine, and there are plenty of vaccine conspiracies in the pet owning community. They cause everything from seizures, to allergies, to autoimmune diseases, and more, according to some of these people. Breeders are a huge contributor to this, which leads to plenty of arguments with vets and pets running around unvaccinated.
It’s expensive to get litters of puppies vaccinated, and whackadoodle (I used “doodle” for a reason) theories are a great cover for why you are sending home a puppy with zero medical history outside of hand written worming dates. Unfortunately, it’s harder to educate people when it’s way cheaper to believe bullshit. 4 months ago
I guess all those things are worse than your pet getting West Nile disease, rabies, distemper, or any of the various diseases pets can get.
Some horse people have stopped giving their horses vaccines because " Wild horses don’t need them"(wild horses don’t live as long dumbfuck) and west nile is going rampant. Seeing a horse with west Nile so bad they need to be euthanized is not something I’d wish on anyone. It goes neurological in them and causes loss of coordination and seizures. 4 months ago
Are there autistic animals? 4 months ago
“All cats are autistic” or so the joke goes.
Don’t like being touched except on their terms, don’t like eye contact, very particular about food, will screech if overwhelmed.
For actual info and not the joke, unsure. Not a vet, I just ask the vet weird questions! Because I’m autistic. 4 months ago
There’s no reason why not, at least in mammals.
Though, i think i read once about how human neurons can connect to 7 instead of 4 (or som.) others compared to other hominids, with the price of higher rate of neurological issues.