- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
Cybertruck = Homer car
- Comment on LineageOS now officially supports the Pixel 9 series 2 months ago:
About $60 CAD per month which is average for here
- Comment on LineageOS now officially supports the Pixel 9 series 2 months ago:
A Pixel 8 on contract was free for me if I commit three years with my provider. I think I will get seven years support from GOS which is a worthy enough lifespan for an everyday smartphone
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
Chuds will exacerbate the bird flu by engaging in every unnecessary behavior that can cause transmission just because somebody informs them not to.
- Comment on rollin' deep 3 months ago:
footnote a steel plate was dropped on this foot prior to rolling the ankle in an unrelated incident that broke the 5th metatarsal in Chapter 7
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
Totally not because the whole world industrialized and modern medicine made its way into China. This trend could be in spite of Mao and not because of him.
Correlation does not equal causation.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
A famine caused because of his agricultural reforms such as telling farmers to plant their seeds twice as close together to double yield. Or how about killing all the sparrows who were thought to be pests but actually ate the insects. Then when all the crops fail to roll in after harvest you send goon squads out to bully and arrest farmers for “hoarding food” when in fact the crops failed partly because he enforced these asinine policies.
Now if they could recognize shits going wrong then that would help but nobody wants to tell Mao he was wrong about some of his “great leap foward” reforms so they just continue to scapegoat and abuse the now starving farmers.
He did a lot of good things but if your fail to look at things then you are just a fanboy propagandist for autocracy.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
Where?! In his house? The banana shack? Are they just in a pile that he sits on like a dragon? Who guards his pile while he goes to take a shit?
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
How can a primate hoard resources? They have no storage methods
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
Unfortunately Mao was an idiot surrounded by sycophants who killed more of his countrymen through incompetent policies than Stalin did with his purges.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Birb Borg Cloud
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Or tiny birds that can expertly navigate wind currents with an almond sized brain using real-time force feedback. The computational power at their disposal is very well optimized for what they do.
- Comment on Which fruit fly are you today? 5 months ago:
The star of the show is irrelevant to the performance
- Comment on Which fruit fly are you today? 5 months ago:
Green for go red for no.
- Comment on rabioli 5 months ago:
Damn you Bill Gates!!
[shakes fist at sky?]
- Comment on Indigenous creators are clashing with YouTube’s and Instagram’s sensitive content bans. 6 months ago:
Well said. It’s impossible to be a free speech absolutist without condoning some pretty heinous forms of human expression. But you’re right that the proper ethical yardstick is whether any meaningful human expression causes demonstrable harm.
Non-sexual nudity is definitely not harmful.
- Comment on Indigenous creators are clashing with YouTube’s and Instagram’s sensitive content bans. 6 months ago:
Perversion requires some level of sexual oppression in order to exist. Won’t somebody please think of the perverts?!
- Comment on Indigenous creators are clashing with YouTube’s and Instagram’s sensitive content bans. 6 months ago:
Participation in any community demands some level of censorship or else there would literally be CP on youtube. The problem is that the decision making behind the administration of censorship should be better democratized instead of being decided by advertiser’s attempting to divine the median consumer’s level of tolerance.
- Comment on Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump 6 months ago:
I am still using a pixel 3xl and probably will until the battery dies.
- Comment on Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump 6 months ago:
I am waiting for the egg shaped phone that somehow has sharp edges and remains slippery when dry.
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
You can always bring a second controller for redundancy. I would bet money the game controller had zero impact on the failure and I hate all the shade being thrown on this innocent controller.
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
It’s not managing life critical functions, that’s a computer. The game controller plugs into the computer. The great thing about that is that you can bring a second (or even a third) for redundancy.
It’s just that the engineering choices that caused the failure are difficult to understand or communicate in sentence so the game controller is something any idiot can harp on about and sound smart.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
Marrying the first person you ever fuck and breeding uncontrollably only to become deeply miserable and unfulfilled in your locked down life is very human and not at all a good idea. Every success story of first love is a random aberration that fuels the myth that this should be the status quo.
Most people are a lot sluttier than that
- Comment on A new report finds Boeing’s rockets are built with an unqualified work force 6 months ago:
Nationalize Boeing now
- Comment on LaTeX Master Race 6 months ago:
Let’s take a grainy photo of your oil painting and then filter it
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
I’ve started a Kagi subscription for my new search engine. Basically $6 USD per month but because it’s a user-pay model they have a really good privacy policy and don’t sell/analyze your data.
It’s currently better than Google (which I still use search in the maps for reviews)
- Comment on poni 7 months ago:
I just keep feeding them mustard
- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
Like those ass massaging power chairs.
- Comment on HP forced to ditch popular printer range following user backlash 7 months ago:
I have a monochrome brother laser/fax that is old af. I don’t mess with color because like you said if I want photos printed I’m going to get the big-boy printer at the store to do it.
- Comment on [Gamers Nexus] "Google is Getting Worse," ft. Wendell of Level1 Techs 8 months ago:
When I first got to Reddit a front page post was like 1000 upvotes so Lemmy is approximately sorta the same level of users as when I first got to Reddit