This is also why I am thankful for the American first amendment.
It would appear that in that user’s country, it is considered additionally a crime to take the nude scene out of context.
I think a lot of people online take freedom of speech for granted, not realizing that many supposedly civilized countries have an increasing number of restrictions on unpopular speech, critical speech, or otherwise undesirable speech like this.
Comment on Man Arrested for Sharing Copyright Infringing Nude Scenes Through Reddit. 5 months ago
It’s just abuse. You deliver something for the production and the story, and then you end up being molested that way,” Jensen said.
Abuse? Molested? This is a load of shit. If they don’t want to be seen nude then don’t be filmed nude. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Make no mistake. The US is heading in the same direction. Look at the proposed anti-deepfake laws. That guy could be prosecuted extremely harshly under those. 5 months ago
It will be interesting to see that tested in court. I don’t think anyone would complain about for example a pencil sketch of a naked celebrity, that would be considered free speech and fair use even if it is a sketch of a scene from a movie.
So where does the line go? If the pencil sketch is legal, what if you do a digital sketch with Adobe illustrator and a graphics tablet? What if you use the Adobe AI function to help clean up the image? What if you take screen grabs of a publicity shot of the actor’s face and a nude image of someone else, and use them together to trace the image you end up painting? What if you then use AI to help you select colors and help shading? What if you do each of those processes individually but you have AI do each of them? That is not very functionally different from giving an AI a publicity shot and telling it to generate a nude image.
As I see it, The only difference between the AI deepfake and the fake produced by a skilled artist is the amount of time and effort required. And while that definitely makes it easy to turn out an awful lot of fakes, it’s bad policy to ban one and not the other simply based on the process by which the image was created. 5 months ago
It’s messy legislation all around. When does it become porn vs art vs just erotic or satirical? How do you prove it was a deep fake and not a lookalike? If I use a porn actress to make a deep fake is that also illegal or is it about how the original source content was intended to be used/consumed?
I’m not saying that we should just ignore these issues, but I don’t think any of this will be handled well by any government. 5 months ago
One is banned because it can affect someone’s earnings, and is theft, the other is not banned because noone is harming another party by making a pencil drawing of a celebrity or scene. 5 months ago
Guess if they pass we’ll see how they stand up to the 1st. 5 months ago
I also would’ve expected nudity to be less taboo there. Would it have been just as likely to be arrested for sharing fully clothed still shots? That would actually make a lot more sense: distribution of copyrighted, non-promotional material. 5 months ago
I think the issue isn’t nudity but sexualization-- IE nude scene in context of a film is fine, chopping the nude scene out of the film is basically turning the actress into a porn star and that’s not fine. Same attitude is why the actress called it molestation. Different attitude as a society I guess. 5 months ago
It seems to me these scenes are introduced in films to sexualize them. Most often than not they don’t add anything to the story. But blood & sex get more viewers. So I find the whole thing hypocritical.
Brings me to mind an episode of the hilarious series “Coupling”, where Jeff says that the actress in the film “The Piano” (?) was naked in the whole film. His friends say she wasn’t, it was only a scene in the film. And Jeff replies “it depends on how you watch it” 🤣 5 months ago
Given the country in question, the actress’ nationality, and the writers name, this may be a simple translation misalignment. Molest doesn’t have the same weight in every language/region. Molest is more akin to “bother” in Spanish, for example. 5 months ago
I’m pretty sure she means molested as in abused or misused.
On a side note, as to the molesting aspect, I can’t see how this is any different than 14yo me having a couple of VHS tapes where the boob-parts were more worn than the rest of the tape. Or going frame by frame on the Taxi 2 DVD in the scene where Petra does kung fu in a skirt. Or golden child where the mythical woman behind the curtain is revealed. Or the shower/locker room scene in robocop. Or the bath scene in coming to America. Or the playboy mansion in Beverly Hills cop 2… Anyway I digress.
If you appear naked in a movie, expect teenage boys and creepy men to jerk off to you. Not the perfect world would be, I know. In the perfect world everyone would respect that the actress was only nude as an artistic choice, and it wasn’t meant to be spank bank material.
Copyright on the other hand, I thought that was just a civil law matter. Wonder why the guy was arrested. 5 months ago
I’ve got another addition to my comment, but it does warrant more attention than an edit.
So I’ve found a Danish language interview on this topic, from earlier this year, so before the man in this story was arrested.
Generationsforskelle til trods lægger 57-årige Andrea Vagn Jensen og 23-årige Malaika Berenth Mosendane vægt på, at samtykket ryger, når klippene bliver taget ud af kontekst. Det samme fortæller Angela Bundalovic, der for nylig var aktuel i ‘Copenhagen Cowboy’, til DR:
»Jeg oplever det som en krænkelse, at nogen bruger et klip eller billede af mig i en kontekst, jeg ikke er gået med til. For mig hersker der ingen tvivl om at der bliver begået noget forkert mod skuespillernes frihed og materialets ophavsretshavere«.
Translated by yours truly:
Generational differences aside 57yo Andrea Vagn Jensen and 23yo Malaika Berenth Mosendane emphasizes that the consent is lost when the clips are removed from their context. It’s the same for Angela Bundalovic, who recently appeared in ‘Copenhagen Cowboy’, who tells DR [Danish national radio and TV]:
»I experience it as a violation, when someone uses a clip or still frame in a context, that I haven’t agreed to. In my mind there’s no doubt, that the freedom of the actors is being wronged as well as the copyright holders of the material«.
The police even has a statement on the matter which I suggest that you run through your preferred translation service…/03 5 months ago
This isn’t Spanish (I speak it), it’s also the same word in Danish according to the dictionary. 5 months ago
It is copyright infringement. As a copyright abolitionist, I don’t care.
Also, the outrage here is the belief that it is wrong to shown your naked body to a camera and then publishing it.
And now my warning, people who believe the naked body is shameful and that those who have shown their body have done something wrong. You are a monster, leave my planet before next month, or else … 5 months ago
Yeah sorry this isn’t molestation, this is how media works in a digital connected world. The fact the entertainment industry has been denying the realities of their industry for 50 some odd years causes some head-scratching takes, like an actress being “molested” by someone jerking off to her in a scene they didnt pay for. No, sorry lady, once you expose the flesh to the camera you relinquish the right to keep it to yourself.
These stupid goddamn articles always trot out some actress or stagehand to humanize the ‘victims’ too, when its really just rich production companies losing money. Fuck everything about this. 5 months ago
Regretting doing a nude scene is humanizing. Making your regret someone else’s problem is just shitty all around.