Not anytime soon. Way too cheap to include(like cents for a mouse or ram and a few dollars for a keyboard) , and way too popular not to include. Well at least you can disable it.
Comment on Worst PC hardware trends that disappeared 5 months ago
RGB. Please. Finding hardware that doesn’t light up like a Christmas tree is harder than it should be. Even a simple power LED can light up an entire room. 5 months ago 5 months ago
right, you fan disabile them using their unique software which you have to install for every component, signing away your life (cough cough Disney) in the process 5 months ago has decent hardware support 5 months ago
Yeah, all of my case fans have a switch on them, when I had it in a bedroom I opened the case and clicked them all off, no big deal, all the parts have been swapped, newest part now has to be 10 years old : / 5 months ago
I don’t really mind RGB, but my complaint is why every single LED has to be vivid electric blue. I want old red LEDs back, they were nice, they didn’t scorch my retinas. 5 months ago
For a quick fix, you can make blue power LEDs slightly more tolerable by sticking a piece of yellow post-it note on top of them, it turns them white. 5 months ago
I have RGB keyboard and mouse because they were cheap. I only use red leds and it feels great. Modern but not annoying.