- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
But don’t spread the bird flu pls.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
The only field where it’s actually justified: math. In math, every time has an exact definition behind it, and you have to use the exact term.
- Comment on EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones 8 months ago:
Every other year the EU tries to pass another mass surveillance law - and the EU court of human rights rules it illegal.
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
They weren’t talking about radioactive decay, electrons are stable. They were talking about electrically charged particles emitting electromagnetic radiation when accelerated. (Circular movement is accelerated, see centripetal force) Since they use energy for this, they would very quickly fall into the nucleus (if I remember correctly, in around 10^-14s).
Bodies with mass also emit gravitational waves when accelerated, but much less.
- Comment on Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO 10 months ago:
Pretty sure a court told them to.
- Comment on we are but a gravy train in outer space 10 months ago:
I’m not trying to argue approximations. Physics is just approximations all the way down. But as a physicist, I also love arguing about technicalities, and that’s also kinda the point of science communities for me.
- Comment on we are but a gravy train in outer space 10 months ago:
But the point of general relativity is that a free-floating observer is equivalent to an observer in free space. That means that falling due to gravity, which you call a force, is an unaccelerated movement, i.e. no force.
- Comment on we are but a gravy train in outer space 10 months ago:
In our current understanding of physics, it’s an effect from the curvature of space and not a force. Quantizing gravity results in unphysical divergences. Whether there will be a way to model gravity as an exchange of particles, we can’t know for sure. So according to our current knowledge, it’s not a force.
- Comment on we are but a gravy train in outer space 10 months ago:
Well, firstly, we can quantize gravity pretty easily, it just has unphysical divergences.
But secondly, I think it makes most sense to talk about the current accepted physics because we don’t know how quantum gravity will work.
- Comment on we are but a gravy train in outer space 10 months ago:
Gravity isn’t a force tho…
- Comment on Hasbro exec says Baldur's Gate 3 "proved for us that people really wanted great D&D games," supports Larian's plan to "take the time we need" 11 months ago:
Everyone always says how great and optimized etc the game is, but for me, I had glitches every few minutes with crashes every few hours. Maybe the multiplayer is worse, but how I experienced the game, it was far from being ready to ship.
- Comment on shameless b8 11 months ago:
The only thing I quickly found is this paper, which says that learning multiple things is not better nor worse than one thing at a time, but it also states in the abstract that cognitive psychologists believed up to that point that mixing multiple topics is beneficial.
- Comment on shameless b8 11 months ago:
That is actually not backed by science. Mixing material is a lot more effective than focusing on one thing.
- Comment on 1 already gone 11 months ago:
Obviously, the apartment with the Confederate flag has a swastika inside.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year ago:
Yeah, you’re technically right, but everyone just fully associates Pokémon with Nintendo.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year ago:
Most of the time? Doesn’t it mainly lag when moving to a different region? It also looks really good.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year ago:
Well, except Pokémon. But we don’t talk about Pokémon.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
More precisely: If you repeatedly draw values from a probability distribution and sum them up, the sum tends towards a Gaussian (central limit theorem).
- Comment on poggers 1 year ago:
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
Maybe I just mixed up the fact that proper industrial use is vastly overestimated/overhyped with that there is little use. I will do some research.
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
I don’t think I was talking about this, interesting. Because in the video I mentioned she was fine with trans athletes competing together with cis athletes, which seemed very progressive to me. But I’m happy to be proven wrong.
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
Thanks for this productive discourse, not ad hominem at all. You’re welcome to criticize my views and I’m happy to learn. And I am doing my physics masters, so I’m definitely no idiot. But this is also not productive.
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
Are you talking about her video on trans athletes? I don’t remember it being transphobic.
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
She might have strong opinions on particle physics and I do take them with a grain of salt, but I don’t see objectively wrong things in there.
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
I am a physicist and truly appreciate the effect of quantum computing on our simulations, but with “real world” I meant proper industrial use. And for that, there are hardly any algorithms known except Shor’s. When the CEO of Deutsche Bank says he will do his bank transactions on a quantum computer, you know the topic is over-hyped.
- Comment on IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip 1 year ago:
Currently, there is basically only one real world application we really know: Factoring numbers into prime factors. And we can’t know for sure whether there will be more even.
- Comment on Companies With Flexible Remote Work Policies Outperform On Revenue Growth 1 year ago:
Watch everyone forget that correlation doesn’t equal causation when it confirms their biases.
- Comment on Am I Doing This Right? 1 year ago:
TOS: The Original Series TNG: The Next Generation DS9: Deep Space 9 VOY: Voyager ENT: Enterprise DIS: Discovery PIC: Picard LD: Lower Decks SNW: Strange New World
- Comment on you energy 1 year ago:
In natural units, where c = ħ =1, both statements are equally true. But then, the whole premise is lost because in these units, E = m (for stationary bodies).
- Comment on Opinion: Why it’s time to raise the speed limit in Australia to 130km/h 1 year ago:
You don’t use exponentially more fuel, but cubically. Exponentially is not just a word for “quickly”, but a function.
And anyways, that isn’t only the case for speeds higher than 80, but for every higher speed. So it’s not like there is an objective sweet spot.