- Comment on Just discovered Mini Metro, a puzzle game where you have to create metro lines. Very addictive, but also chill, and currently 50% off on Steam 2 months ago:
Are you talking about the highways? If so, those gave me trouble at first too, but I figured it out. Once you select one from the toolbar, tap a point on the map. That’ll be where it starts. Then, tap the location of the destination, and the highway will form itself automatically connecting those two points.
- Comment on got one of the last ones for christmas 2 months ago:
Nice haul! I wish I’d known about the existence of these sooner. I’d definitely have gotten a bunch of these.
I don’t suppose you know if there’s another company that’s gonna end up with the license? From what I can tell, this company has only had the license for a few years (since 2021, I think). Seems a pretty short run for a franchise this big.
- Comment on B’Elanna’s stance on afterlife. 3 months ago:
Hallucinations often appear quite real to the ones experiencing them.
- Comment on Microsoft FrontPage 3 months ago:
Don’t worry, some of us are still leet like jeffk, even after all these years!
- Comment on Need for Speed: what is the best title of the series? 3 months ago:
To add to this great list, I’d recommend Blur. Imagine Mario Kart, except fair and in a realistic setting with real cars. This game was phenomenal and should have had so many sequels. Alas, it was the swan song of Bizarre Creations.
- Comment on Americans have been enjoying nut milk and nut butter for at least 4 centuries 5 months ago:
Not sure I’d call it milk either. Seems more like juice to me.
Nut juice.
Say it. Embrace it.
enjoydrink nut juice. - Comment on Mozilla grants Ente $100k 5 months ago:
No problem!
- Comment on Mozilla grants Ente $100k 5 months ago:
- Comment on "Thomas was alone", a simple game but with lots of charm 5 months ago:
This game made me get emotional over extremely simple squares and rectangles and I’ve never fully come to terms with that. 10/10 I definitely recommend this to everyone.
- Comment on for my game library really helped me to become patient gamer 6 months ago:
I dunno, man. The kids these days are into all sorts of crazy things.
- Comment on My journey with ENT theme 6 months ago:
I disagree. Nothing is as bad as the ENT theme song.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
Is that… Is that not what it costs now?
- Comment on We here at lemmy love the antichrist 7 months ago:
The dollar sign comes before the number. Putting it behind the number is just another effect of micro plastics. 😢
- Comment on Borderlands 2 improved on everything I liked from B1 7 months ago:
Username checks out.
- Comment on We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop 8 months ago:
I’d much rather have Tau’ri calendar software than Goa’uld software of any kind. Who knows what kind of malicious code those snakes have snuck in there?
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
It’s hard to say. Look how long it took for the music industry to stop suing their customers en masse and just adapt to a changing market. The film/TV industry hasn’t even begun walking that path. It may never change, but if it does, I suspect it’ll take a very long time.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
I’m not who you asked, but my opinion is that it comes down to the types of people you’re dealing with and age of the industries. The video game industry isn’t that old, especially in its modern, mega blockbuster age. By its very nature, it’s something that is on or near the leading edge of technology. This means the people involved are usually (though not always) forward thinking and live in the modern world.
By contrast, the motion picture industry is over a century old. It’s deeply established in how it does business and you can see the effects of that entrenchment every time a new technology emerges that affects how people watch film and TV. They went to court to make VCRs illegal. DVDs were too high quality, so they made a self destructing kind of DVD (remember divx before it bizarrely became the name of a codec?). The industry went to war with itself more than once with format wars (VHS vs Beta, HD-DVD vs Blu-ray). This isn’t an industry that handles change well, and they’ve always believed everyone is a lying thief.
All this to say, the video game industry is trying to make money in the modern world, while the TV/film industry is trying to cling to a business model one or two generations out of date because they fear change. There’s no technical reason that a game or a movie couldn’t be licensed for exactly the same amount of time. It’s just how the people with power in both industries operate.
If the movie industry was smart, they’d have looked at what the music industry did and just copy/pasted that. The music industry has 2 kinds of stores, neither of which they involve themselves in running:
- Streaming services like Spotify or Tidal. For the most part, all the streamers have the same content and they compete with each other on price and features. AFAIK, none of these services are run by a record label.
- Download to own stores, like Amazon or iTunes. You pay a reasonable price and you get a DRM free file you get to keep forever. Again, the stores have largely the same catalogs and compete on price and features. And again, none of the labels own these stores.
Compare that to the TV/film industry who looked at all that and decided to do the opposite. They run their own streaming only stores that are all bleeding money instead of fostering competition by encouraging more places like Netflix to start up. They don’t, to the best of my knowledge, run any stores where you can download a DRM free video file after paying a reasonable price. This whole industry is fucked, but it’s so massive it can absorb decades of bad decisions because there’s enough good actual product that people will pay for. And that insulation from their shit decision making and their fear of change is why TV/film licenses are so much more restrictive than game licenses, at least IMO.
- Comment on Beep beep 9 months ago:
I’m pretty sure they bought the rubber ducks at stores or online.
- Comment on NASA wants a cheaper Mars Sample Return—Boeing proposes most expensive rocket 9 months ago:
If NASA goes with Boeing for the rocket, they can expect the rocket to disassemble itself halfway into the atmosphere.
- Comment on PlayStation Walks Back Helldivers 2 Changes, PSN Account Linking No Longer Required 9 months ago:
I am. Sony are notoriously hard asses about stuff like this. I’m glad to see they relented.
- Comment on How In-N-Out Burger’s president runs her fast-food empire: Keep it simple, affordable and close 10 months ago:
Are McDonald’s burgers better? No. Are Wendy’s? Yes. I haven’t had Jack in the Box in almost 10 years (none in my area), so I can’t compare them directly.
Their fries seem like their burgers to me: good, but not remarkable. They’re certainly better than BK fries and the current Wendy’s fries (the old Wendy’s fries were better).
I’m not sure what you mean about the lab thing, though. The vast majority of the fries I’ve had have just been sliced and fried potatoes.
- Comment on How In-N-Out Burger’s president runs her fast-food empire: Keep it simple, affordable and close 10 months ago:
They absolutely aren’t. I’m not comparing them to some $20 burger. I’m comparing them to other fast food burgers, and in that comparison, they’re decidedly average.
- Comment on How In-N-Out Burger’s president runs her fast-food empire: Keep it simple, affordable and close 10 months ago:
What you said makes sense and I completely understand why this would make them popular. They should be applauded for their cleanliness and good treatment of their employees. Those are great! However what I don’t get is why people act like their burgers are top tier when they’re clearly not.
- Comment on How In-N-Out Burger’s president runs her fast-food empire: Keep it simple, affordable and close 10 months ago:
I’m with you. People love this place, but the half dozen times I’ve been there, it’s been thoroughly mediocre. It’s not bad, but it’s not this amazing pinnacle of burgers either. And I truly don’t understand why people are in love with “animal style,” aka make my burger as messy as possible.
- Comment on 10 Commandmends for a digital age 1 year ago:
Studies show red light cameras don’t decrease accident rates in the intersections they’re installed at. Furthermore, some municipalities have started doing things like varying timing of the light cycle to get more people running red lights for the increased revenue. These cameras haven’t been shown to decrease accident or injury/fatality rates anywhere they’re installed. If you’re against people being slaughtered by cars, it seems you should be against red light cameras since they don’t do any good and have the potential to make things worse.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
- Comment on If we can use hydrogen to power electric motors, why can’t we use water to run a car? 1 year ago:
Where does the energy to break down the water in the car come from?
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
The only fortnights that exist in America is the video game. It’s not a division of time used here.
- Comment on Letters 4 Legacy-A Campaign for a Star Trek Legacy show by Terry Matalas 1 year ago:
You know what? I’d be down if they brought back the whole 80s Room Plus interior.
- Comment on A variety of premature ejaculation 1 year ago:
I don’t think you’re legally allowed to be confused by anything after posting this meme.