- Comment on When you forget that you hired THEM because you weren't skilled enough to do it yourself 4 weeks ago:
This is fantastic.
Tradie doesn’t want to be watched while they work.
I want to learn by watching, so I’ll hire someone else.
We both get what we want. - Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here 1 month ago:
There’s venison farms.
I don’t know how many or where.
Theoretically all the ferals are escapees, as they have never been officially released (unlike rabbits, foxes, cane toads etc). - Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here 1 month ago:
Regulatory Capture.
The government didn’t want to be in charge of this, so they’ve offloaded the responsibility (and the power) to a private organisation, in this case the Game Management Authority.
The GMA aren’t all bad, they are also a primary driver behind the protection of native waterways (that just coincidentally happen to be duck shooting spots).
As a shooter, I have complex opinions about groups like the GMA and SSAA that theoretically exist for my benefit. - Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here 1 month ago:
Deer are a point of division in the hunting community.
I don’t know the rules for all the states, but I can highlight the different approaches different places have with just 2 examples.In Victoria, they only want to hunt deer “sustainably”, so they have recognised “Deer Habitats”.
It’s also illegal to hunt them at night with a spotlight (the easiest method, they’ll literally stand still and look at the light) or use a thermal scope (which of course helps silhouette a naturally camouflaged animal), even during the day.In South Australia, we have shoot on sight laws - as in you’re legally obliged to attempt to humanely kill feral deer when possible.
Kind of says it all, doesn’t it?
- Platforms, not parents, to be responsible for social media age limit, but penalties as yet undecided - ABC ↗Submitted 4 months ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on US judge says Google must open Android phones to rival app stores 4 months ago:
I’m just glad that this judgement travelled back in time!
It must have, otherwise Samsung phone’s wouldn’t have the Galaxy Store on them.
And Huawei phones wouldn’t have AppGallery on it.And things like aptoide, f-droid and taptap wouldn’t exist.
This is about Epic wanting their store to be available on the google store, and none of these articles understand that at all.
- Comment on Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead 5 months ago:
Sounds like this is something developers bake into their apps, not something the phone enforces.
ie, if I develop an app, I can have the app check a special google “Integrity” API and if I get no response (or a negative response), just have the app close.
- Comment on Australians don’t know how far the energy transition has come – and that’s a problem 5 months ago:
Just one example of the lies and misinformation out there:
Smart people I know believe that we have to go Nuclear because it’s the only green way to achieve baseload.
When press on what baseload is, they seem to think it’s the minimum amount of power needed to keep the grid up.
Which for anyone listening in, is backwards, baseload is actually the minimum amount of load required because it’s un-economical to spin old coal burners down. That’s why people used to heat their water at night on the cheap, because the power HAD to go somewhere.
And there’s are smart people, just disinterested in the how and why of electricity generation.
They flick a switch, the lights come on.
Every 3 months they pay a bill and tut-tut about how expensive it is now “because of the green obsession”. - Submitted 7 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on South Australia locks in federal funds to become first grid in world to reach 100 per cent net wind and solar 7 months ago:
Liars do that.
Especially if they have a financial incentive. - Submitted 7 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on South Australia locks in federal funds to become first grid in world to reach 100 per cent net wind and solar 7 months ago:
That’s what makes this possible.
Part of this funding is to underwrite a new interconnect with the NSW grid, to increase the SA grids ability to transfer power in and out.
Having those interconnects means when we have a surplus or shortage of sun + wind in one location, we can transfer it from somewhere else.
The plan even relies on the ongoing backup of gas turbines, which will be turned off 99.9% of the time, but still require maintenance etc adding cost to the grid.
But the plan is to have enough solar + wind + storage to go 100% net green over any given year.
- South Australia locks in federal funds to become first grid in world to reach 100 per cent net wind and ↗Submitted 7 months ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Laws to ban live sheep exports by 2028 pass parliament following lengthy debate 8 months ago:
Most people in the meat industry agree it’s a good move.
It’s only the unscrupulous and greedy ones that are kicking up a fuss.
Just because we raise animals for slaughter doesn’t mean we can’t minimise the discomfort the animals experience. - Submitted 8 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact checker 8 months ago:
Whilst I didn’t always agree with their pronouncements, having a fact checker at this time seems to me a very important thing.
They include reference to “a new in-house verification reporting team, ABC News Verify”, but that sounds like they’ll only be verifying their own news, which is nice, but not the point.
- As Fact Check signs off after 11 years, here's your guide to being your own fact ↗Submitted 8 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra 8 months ago:
You could read David Leigh’s book, in which he published the full decryption key:…/161039061X
That’s literally how he leaked it.
The wikipedia article on it has the whole “he said - she said”:…/WikiLeaks:_Inside_Julian_Assan…Including the lie that is parroting about Assange not caring about people dying.
- Comment on Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra 8 months ago:
That was an editor at The Guardian, David Leigh.
- Comment on Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra 8 months ago:
This didn’t happen, Wikileaks vetted information before releasing it for exactly this reason.
Name one person.
- Comment on Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says 8 months ago:
Yes, the threats worked and the corrupt won.
Now he gets to see his kids.
I’d choose that too.
You can call it cowardice, I’d call it pragmatism. - Comment on Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says 8 months ago:
The US get to show just how tough they are on whistleblowers and their associates.
Assange gets to go home.If I was him, I’d keep my head down and try to get to know my kids.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims 8 months ago:
the cheapest and most widespread nuclear reactor design
Can you share this knowledge, please?
- Comment on Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations 8 months ago:
Let me paraphrase the LNP here:
“Private companies have researched Nuclear and decided it’s not cost effective.”
“Financial institutions have investigated Nuclear and decided they WILL NOT INVEST.”
“But our financial backers at the Mineral Council and the private companies dragging the last of the profit out of their end of life coal power stations are insisting that we continue with our current market AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, so we’ve decided to announce an extremely long term plan, to scare private investment out of renewables short term.”
“Don’t worry, between NIMBYs in the target areas, laws surrounding nuclear energy, lack of local expertise and the general unsuitability of Nuclear for our widely dispersed yet small population, we won’t actually build more than one of these things.”
“Jokes on them, we were only pretending to be retarded.” - Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them? ↗Submitted 8 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Lemmy 0.19.4 8 months ago:
Just to resurrect this thread from a week ago, posts I just made in /c/Adelaide are not showing thumbnails.
- Comment on Australia Community Anniversary Thread 8 months ago:
And thank you for modding.
I didn’t want to call you out by name.
You’ve already noticed that I’ve transferred here as my official instance. - Comment on Australia Community Anniversary Thread 8 months ago:
“Be the change you want to see in the world”.
Then a moderator was unhappy with my posts, so I stopped. - Comment on Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait[: our culture of not getting too big for your boots] 11 months ago:
Sure I read it, but Simon’s premise is incorrect.
Even his tangential commentary is incorrect.
Neither Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott were booted for making “captains calls”, they were booted as fall guys by their parties before going to election.