- Comment on Nextcloud Hub 10 – your unified, modular digital workspace - Nextcloud 1 week ago:
…now lets you search public and direct massages via Unified Search…
Interesting new feature :D
- Comment on using regular agricultural barley for making malt 3 weeks ago:
If I were in your place, I would get a smaller test-fermenter and try small batches with part of the barley being the non-malted feed. Start small and then increase the proportion until something breaks.
- Comment on Podman rootless and ufw 4 weeks ago:
That does sound like it’s something else.
- Comment on Podman rootless and ufw 4 weeks ago:
Does Podman actually open the ports like Docker do? I was op the impression it did not. But it’s entirely possible that I might be wrong.
I would be disappointed if it did. I’m moving to Podman as well just because of the firewall issue in Docker.
- Comment on I love hoya flowers 3 months ago:
You do know there are many different hoyas with different or no smell, right?
Alternatively, you could do what I do and just be bad at growing hoyas so they never bloom 😂
- Comment on What are some self hosted services that you think are essential? 3 months ago:
I’m curious, is there a reason you use Baikal over Nextcloud for cal-/card-dav?
I would probably be happy to not have to run an additional service, so I would have to have good reasons to run Baikal next to Nextcloud. Then again, if I had already setup Baikal and then, sometimes later, Nextcloud, There would probably be a great span where I ran both :D
- Comment on Call me 3 months ago:
Nice. I learned something new today 🙂
Not sure where I picked up my belief that RNA was just one side of DNA.
- Comment on Call me 3 months ago:
Single-stranded? Wouldn’t that be RNA?
- Comment on had my first bottle explode. have you? 4 months ago:
You are right, you did. And being a glasblower you certainly have more experience with glass than me.
But it still feels wrong, to me, that the stress built into a glass body changes over time. Damage, like you say, can of course introduce failure points.
I’m tired and I might have misunderstood you and perhaps we are saying the same thing or talking about completely different things
- Comment on had my first bottle explode. have you? 4 months ago:
I don’t think thats how glass works. If it did, tempered glass would slowly lose the stress that makes it tempered.
- Comment on Good Cider Yeasts? 4 months ago:
I’ve heard good things about Mangrove Jack’s M02 yeast. I’ve ordered some, but sadly the shipment didn’t get in in time for the apples. So for this batch I’m using a kveik yeast as an experiment.
- Comment on Building My Home Server | Kev Quirk 9 months ago:
Plexs movement away from selfhosters. Cloudberry is now MSP360, and I can’t tell what it actually does.
The author actually went back to a Synology NAS after one and a half year of using this server.
- Comment on Building My Home Server | Kev Quirk 9 months ago:
The post is five years old. A lot have changed in that time.
I’m not sure if I would call the post “very detailed”. An overview, at best.
- Comment on Refractometers 9 months ago:
Refractometers work with water and sugar. You have water and alcohol at the end of fermentation, which will not give you accurate readings.
I believe there is a graph somewhere where you can look up the value you read and get the true value.
The floating hydrometers works as expected, but the refractometers are convenient. You just have to know when to use them 🙂
- Comment on CalDav ToDo List app for IOS 10 months ago:
You are right. I found the receipt in App Store. I bought it in 2022 at a 50% discount campaign. Sorry to get your hopes up.
- Comment on CalDav ToDo List app for IOS 10 months ago:
I use 2Do on my iphone and like it. I’m pretty sure i haven’t paid for it. At least I can’t remember paying, and can’t find a receipt either in my mails nor the appstore.
- Comment on Hosting websites over 4g 1 year ago:
I’m using Headscale for something similar. I have a VPS and a server at home. Both are on the same Headscale network. On the home server I set up a Matrix server. On the VPS I set up Caddy as a reverse proxy for the home server with its Headscale IP. It works nicely.
I’m not on 4G, though.
- Comment on Access home server from anywhere 1 year ago:
I’ve been using Tailscale, it’s lovely. But I didn’t like that I had to use Google/Apple/Github to log in.
Last night I set up a Headscale server which works with the tailscale client. It’s lovely as well.