- Comment on can European intelligence substitute the American one? 3 days ago:
Good relationships go both ways. It’s pointless to be friendly to an abusive partner. It’s not just Russia but the US as well now.
- Comment on 77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds 7 months ago:
This study failed to take into consideration the need to feed information to AI. Companies now prioritize feeding information to AI over actually making it usable for humans. Who cares about analyzing the data? Just give it to AI to figure out. Now data cannot be analyzed by humans? Just ask AI. It can’t figure out? Give it more so it can figure it out. Rinse, repeat. This is a race to the bottom where information is useless to humans.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Epic wanted exclusives by pulling games from other platforms. I will never spend a single cent on Epic Games. I’m happy to spend it on Steam, especially games that I have pirated before (Commandos series for example) or indie games (Banished anyone?).
For bigger games such as Civilians, I’ll purchase it on Steam and then pirate so I don’t need to run Steam. I am a big fan of patches to remove the intro screen.
- Comment on ‘Do-No-Track’ makes a comeback with legal backing in Germany | Vivaldi Browser 1 year ago:
I hope browsers will prompt users to make the selection on the first start. While I like it enabled by default, making users explicitly do so will give it a lot more legal weight than enabled by default.
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
What if 5G radio wave is there to push vaccines hidden in sunscreen into our body? /s
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
I feel the same too.
I think the merging can be part of the federation process as well. Since I’m going to receive posts from the same server, it can combine these posts and give me back the combined view. There will be some kind of repost ID/link so that the server knows how to combine them.
- Comment on amazon anti union posters put up by the company 1 year ago:
Agree. I don’t understand why Amazon thinks this will help, like “hello people, Union is a thing that we’re really afraid of, haven’t you heard?”
- Comment on Drug mimics exercise in mice, raises metabolism, increases endurance, burns fat 1 year ago:
Like someone on lemmy once said: tools like this will make the climate situation worse since people can eat what they want and not have to worry about gaining weight. The drug is certainly going to help a specific group of patients but it’s very likely that it’ll be abused.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Same here. I still prefer single narrator. There are a few cases when there are just too many characters but it’s still much easier to listen to than multiple narrators.
I have also noticed sound effects in audiobooks. I like it at the end/start of a chapter, but it need to be subtle. I listened to Fractal Noise, which has audio effect for the thumbing sound, very quiet at the beginning but turned very loud at the end of the book. While it’s new and interesting at the beginning, I quickly grew tired of it. I’d rather only the narrator reading the book than hearing the sound effect.
I think it’s a matter of imagination. Reading/listening for me is not only about the story but also about my imagination. The sound effects removes this, sadly, despite the huge effort by the team.
- Comment on Hell freezes over, MS Paint adds support for layers and PNG transparency 1 year ago:
Try Layers, transparency, filters and even plugins. It’s free to download from their website. Install from Windows Store does have cost as a way to donate.
- Comment on This comic was published less than ten years ago, and it's wild how obsolete it is 1 year ago:
It could have been the other way around if global positioning systems were either not developed or used only by the military. In that case, detecting scenery of a park could be easier than trying to figure out the position on the map.
Or it could just be that maps data are not shared. You’ll need to hire boats and hire people to go and draw the map.
- Comment on Unity boycott begins as devs switch off ads to force a Runtime Fee reversal - 1 year ago:
The fact that it’s impossible to change game on an ongoing/completed game is exactly the reason why everyone is angry. This is distortion, simple, just like the example of car being charged for miles mentioned in the article. It’s no coincidence that games are advertised as “built on …” since game engine decides how the game is built.
- Comment on Some people just wake up and choose violence 1 year ago:
RoR is very… specific. Some love it because it comes with magic. Many hate it for the same reason.
You either knows the magic and love it, or you hate it with a passion. You never really know when (not if) your change will break the system because it’s supposed to name in a very specific way that work by, again, magic.
- Comment on Order 1 year ago:
Any good encryption should make data looks random. Looking for patterns in encrypted data is one of the most basic steps to break an encryption. Therefore, good encryption should make data almost uncompressable, as in it’s so random that compression does not reduce the size.
- Comment on Order 1 year ago:
Encrypt then sign. Verification is often much faster than (or at worst as fast as) decryption. Signature can also be verified without decryption key, making it possible to verify the data along the way.
- Comment on Man Found Guilty of Child Porn, Because He Ran a Tor Exit Node 1 year ago:
I read in one of VPS rental service Discord that someone rented a VPS to run tor exit node and HDDs of the server were confiscated without prior notice.