- Comment on Immich: opinion revised 6 days ago:
The dokuwiki cookie is not for user tracking but for functional use. You don’t need user consent for functional use. OP should remove the useless cookie banner altogether
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
At one point in history did it allow to download from Spotify or it’s just an intentionally misleading name?
- Comment on How do you keep up? 3 weeks ago:
I learned that I can’t rely on someone else’s recipes: in my case it was abandoned/badly configured unraid apps. I now exclusively use a docker compose yml where i control and tag specific versions. I intentionally stay behind 2 versions on nextcloud (stable = alpha; oldstable = beta), and for databases i stay on the LTS. Then i import the calendar from in my calendar app to see if i have to move the target up a bit.
Every once in a while i go there and i update manually everything
- Comment on NAS Hardware selection 3 weeks ago:
4x is way far compared to 100x
the only case where hdds have a 100x ratio, is where apple scams their customers offering a 256gb upgrade for $200: it means $800 per terabyte (this price was a scam even 15 years ago), and a $500 18tb HDD is 100x “apple platinum grade ssd”
- Comment on NAS Hardware selection 3 weeks ago:
100x ? Did you sleep for 15 years?
A 2tb SATA SSD has a comparable price to a 4tb SATA SSD.
If it wasn’t for the Al bubble the prices would be even lower
- Comment on Full Android image backup in 2025? 3 weeks ago:
Right, forgot about automatic encryption
- Comment on Full Android image backup in 2025? 3 weeks ago:
Without root: no
- Comment on Nextcloud behind Cloudflare zero trust 4 weeks ago:
Behind a cloudflare tunnel you can use a self signed or expired certificate, just check the “no TLS verify” checkbox
- Comment on JetKVM's Source Code is now public! ✨ 1 month ago:
wow, really neat design for this price range
- Comment on Encryption while unattended: Lockdown Mode vs Off? 2 months ago:
Tech savvy thiefs will just use their knowledge to wipe the phone and flip it quickly for a tenth of what you paid it for; won’t try to extract keys from RAM
- Comment on Verizon pixel 7 and android 15? 2 months ago:
I wasn’t able to unlock the bootloader and I didn’t trust the seller about his secret sauce program that can do it (but only if I sent it back) because I didn’t want to be without phone for 3 weeks (and what if he simply switched the phone with a T-Mobile one?)
- Comment on Nextcloud client just deleted all of my files, why did it do this? 3 months ago:
it is now a non issue
IMHO it’s still a big issue that might lead to data loss to someone else. The Windows client should be hardcoded to refuse syncing in onedrive folder.
Someone should reproduce this in a VM and open a GitHub issue
- Comment on How should one access their servers when in China if at all? 3 months ago:
When you enter China, you have to run their application on your phone to fill the immigration form. Way more convenient compared to the paper slip, right? 😉
It’s this
Luckily, you don’t need to install full malware but only medium malware, there’s a way to run it as a web app inside tencent WeChat by scanning a special qr code.
I run this stuff inside insular because tencent is tencent and even on fully patched Android 15 without any file access permission they still manage to drop fingerprinting files disguised as images in /pictures/.gs_fs0
For connecting to my servers, technically ssh on standard ports isn’t blocked (otherwise it would hurt their bots, no?) but I don’t want to show my server IP address, so I use a hysteria2 proxy hosted on a Oracle VM in the Japan datacenter. There are services like doggygo that rent access to those proxys for literal pennies (like $2 per month) but payment need to do with alibaba’s alipay or tencent wepay which is ultra traceable (linked to Chinese id+Chinese bank account+Chinese phone number) and very stupid. Honeypot?
There are reports of evil maid attacks where a secret service agent poses as room cleaner in your hotel room and tampers with your laptop when you’re away, but for normal people this seems unlikely. Keep your electronics with you at all times, always use a VPN, check hashes of executables if really need to run them (better not) and you’re going to be ok
- Comment on Gsam battery monitor has been delisted? 3 months ago:
the dev has no online presence, but they updated the app one year ago to add android 13 support
it seems the whole dev profile is gone
- Comment on We should have elections with no candidates. 3 months ago:
And also with a randomized name/logo that changes at every election, so there’s no more “i vote for that party because my family voted for them since 200 years ago, and i will still vote for them even if they want to do immoral things”
- Comment on Gsam battery monitor has been delisted? 3 months ago:
but on android < 15 it resets as soon as you plug the charger, so it’s not as useful which app drained the battery during the day. Plus it’s buried in the settings. (with a decent launcher it’s possible to have a shortcut)
On android > 14 is a good enough replacement, though
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Verizon pixel 7 and android 15? 3 months ago:
Update 2: I inserted an European sim card, a few hours later I got the prompt where android asks if I want to replace Google and chrome with a different default search engine or browser (mandatory by law in Europe) and most important I finally got the prompt to update to Android 15 build AP3A.241005.015 which isn’t the Verizon “certified” one from 6 months ago
So at least I got this problem solved, I’m a bit sad that I can’t run lineageos (seller doesn’t give the super secret bootloader unlocking program that nobody ever saw and needs, but says I have to ship to him and pay an extra fee - I’m sure he’s just going to swap the phone with a T-Mobile one)
- Comment on Verizon pixel 7 and android 15? 3 months ago:
update: seller (which is a professional refurbisher) says that all his refurbished pixels are american/verizon and he used to flash the global bootloader via JTAG, but since the pixel 6/android 13 (pixel 6 with android < 12 can, then they patched it with some antirollover) it can’t be done anymore. He says that nobody cares about bootloader unlocking and I’m literally the only one out of thousands of customers to have noticed the issue. He says that there’s a way to jtag the global bootloader onto the verizon pixel 7 and allow bootloader unlocking but it will have a permanent “software tampered” warning on boot and it can’t be locked anymore. Don’t know how much true that is.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 3 months ago:
It’s still in alpha but hoarder is promising
It’s designed to organize bookmarks, but can also support markdown notes with picture (a single picture, not multiple pictures)
Unfortunately at the moment the mobile app is so alpha that doesn’t support creation or editing such notes, only new bookmarks or new photos.
It uses a headless chromium to make screenshots for URLs.
Optionally, can use a bullshit generator like ollama or openai api keys to automatically create a lot of useless tags to each note
- Comment on how can i self host my music? 4 months ago:
What I’ve been doing:
Easy option: because I only have around 40gb of music, I sync it between my PC and my phone using syncthing since 128gb is the minimum nowadays
Hard option: streaming is cooler so I installed nextcloud with an optional plugin called “music” which allows to connect an app called “ultramusic” and it becomes “self hosted Spotify” with android auto support and all the bells and whistles. Disadvantage: Nextcloud is a moving target. For some reason they have to release new incompatible versions every two or three months. So for plugin developers this is a very annoying upgrade threadmill that eventually leads to burnout and that plugin dies. Even officially supported plugins sometimes don’t support the latest version when they launch it. If you choose to use nextcloud with docker, make sure to stay behind 1-2 versions (tag nextcloud:28 when nextcloud:30 is released) or your plugins might suddenly break without any warning. According to fanboys this is the industry standard nowadays and it’s up to the user to manually check the GitHub issues of each of the 30 plugins if it’s compatible before updating. Even if it’s official plugin. They call it “stable” but they mean “beta testing for the paid enterprise version”.
- Comment on Has anyone tried the new Resilio Sync 3? 4 months ago:
yes but the old docker requires the old licenses that aren’t on sale anymore to share more than 10 directories or other QOL improvements
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
It says “unlimited file sync is a $5 in-app unlock” so I’m guessing they can make money. Main problem is the apple developer fees that will eat the profit of the first 25 sales each year
- Comment on An update so major, we could have built the product from scratch. | GameVault 4 months ago:
That client seems really nice, is that new? I was thinking that it was just a download link for the browser but now it’s like a self hosted steam 😲
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Does anyone know why it was forked and the fork got all the improvements while the official app is in the exact same state of when it was launched years ago?
It was because all the proposals got rejected?
Because if he rejected all the improvements I don’t really understand why he’s saying “nobody wants to help development”
- Comment on Results comparison 8B parameter LLM x Gemini 4 months ago:
Well, Gemini is the stupidest of the bots
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 4 months ago:
It would exclusively work for competitive eSports.
Many people play just for fun, don’t want to focus on teamwork
- Comment on An out-of-warranty battery almost left this paralyzed man’s exoskeleton useless 5 months ago:
it’s not about the exoskeleton, but that the fact that the guy was forced unable to use it and left paralyzed for two months because the manufacturer refused to give him a $20 replacement battery for the remote, making the $100k exoskeleton a brick. If it wasn’t for the media outrage, he would still be paralyzed in a bed waiting for someone to carry him around with a wheelchair