- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 23 hours ago:
Lying requires intent. Currently popular LLMs build responses one token at a time—when it starts writing a sentence, it doeen’t know how it will end, and therefore can’t have an opinion about the truth value of it. (I’d go further and claim it can’t really “have an opinion” about anything, but even if it can, it can neither lie nor tell the truth on purpose.) It can consider its own output (and therefore potentially have an opinion about whether it is true or false) only after it has been generated, when generating the next token.
“Admitting” that it’s lying only proves that it has been exposed to “admission” as a pattern in its training data.
- Comment on New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code. 2 weeks ago:
Recently my friend was trying to get me to apply for a junior dev position. “I don’t have the right skills,” I said. “The biggest project I ever coded was a calculator for my Java final, in college, a decade and a half ago.”
It did not occur to me that showing up without the skills and using a LLM to half ass it was an option!
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 3 weeks ago:
Right, but… what does it have to do with Jeeps showing in-car advertisements?
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 3 weeks ago:
I don’t understand how this is related to the Streisand Effect. The Streisand Effect is when you try to suppress unflattering info about yourself, and in the process you call attention to it, so now everyone knows. But we didn’t learn about this through Jeep trying to suppress the info, we just learned about it from people who saw the ads.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
If you call someone “daddy,” it means you’re having sex and you consider them to be the dominant partner in the relationship (or are roleplaying that for sexual reasons). Your language partner is being a creep.
There is some very old slang, “daddy-o,” which isn’t sexual and would be used with a friend, but using it makes you sound like a jazz musician from the 1940s.
- Comment on 'No control': Sweden grapples with bomb violence wave 4 weeks ago:
Sweden has gang-related bombings? Does anybody have background info about how this came to be a thing?
Searching for more info is producing results that I’m skeptical of because they seem sensationalized.
- Comment on Luck be a Landlord Might Be Banned from Google Play 1 month ago:
It is hard to see how the slot machine in LBALL can be gambling when you are guaranteed to profit on every spin (unless you’ve intentionally designed a machine where you can win nothing, but that seems like your fault). Gambling involves risking a stake, but in almost every configuration of the machine that you’ll encounter during normal play there is no risk, you are guaranteed to make more than it costs to spin. The challenge is to make enough to stay ahead of the landlord.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
The Sims 3. I had to figure out how to disable OneDrive backup for my Documents folder, because Sims 3 insists on keeping your saves there, and somehow everything breaks if OneDrive tries to sync them. Previously I had given in and let OneDrive sync everything because Win11 nags you if you try to avoid it.
I also have to fiddle with processor affinity to get the game to launch, because it doesn’t play nice with modern processor architecture.
It still crashes a lot.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Review Thread 4 months ago:
Wow knowing the asset reuse was by design makes me feel way less charitable towards DA2. (I don’t know if I’d go as far as the other commenter and say it’s “a bad game,” but I didn’t like it.)
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Review Thread 4 months ago:
Initial reviews seem remarkably positive given what we saw in the first gameplay reveal a few months ago. My impression at the time was that about half the voice actors sounded like they hadn’t been given enough context about the scenario and some of the cutscenes had questionable direction, which were bad signs for a curated ten minute slice. I still think it’s ultimately not for me—I don’t really want action combat in my Dragon Age—but I’m glad people are enjoying it.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
My college workflow was to copy the prompt and then “paste without formatting” in Word and leave that copy of the prompt at the top while I worked, I would absolutely have fallen for this. :P
- Comment on Netflix has closed its AAA gaming studio 4 months ago:
Was that this studio, or their other studio that’s been running since 2017? This one, “Team Blue,” was supposed to be working on some unannounced AAA game.
- Comment on Starfield: Shattered Space Expansion Getting Mixed Reviews 4 months ago:
The fan-favorite companion Andreja is also receiving some backlash for her inclusion in the DLC, with NPCs not reacting to her presence. Strangely, she barely speaks at all.
Is Andreja a fan favorite? I didn’t travel with her long because she got mad that I was shooting space cops…
- Comment on Blizzard Co-Founder Reveals True Reason For Departure 5 months ago:
I knew it was going to be Kotick before I even clicked.
- Comment on I think Sims is a dead franchise now 5 months ago:
The Build Mode features in 4 are pretty good if you’re into virtual dollhouse building, and there’s a ton of custom content for it.
Live Mode is not very good, but it’s functional enough to play dolls in the houses you built if you’re willing to do all the story writing to make up for sims not having very interesting personalities/desires/autonomy.
- Comment on Tamagotchi gets first UK store as global sales double 5 months ago:
I had a Tamagotchi, but it was the original Digimon toys that I was really obsessed with. I got my friend into it too so that I had someone to battle with. We were even raising them in class. We had all sorts of hypotheses about what made them stronger, which were probably based on no real evidence. I had a bulking-cutting strategy where I force fed my 'mon to increase its weight and then trained it until it reached the minimum weight for its rank.
I picked up an anniversary digivice a few years ago, I should replace the battery and raise some more digimon.
- Comment on Bulletproofing America’s Classrooms - Ballistic armor companies are marketing protective products designed for the military to parents and schools 5 months ago:
I’ve considered getting a bulletproof jacket or hoodie. But it’s so expensive, and can only really be worn half the year.
The stuff like backpack inserts seems like a racket. How likely are you to be wearing the backpack and get shot from behind?
- Comment on Final Fantasy Creator Reveals Which Entry He Thinks Is 'Most Complete', and It's Not Final Fantasy 7 5 months ago:
Don’t you press R1 when your attack hits to pull the trigger for extra damage? You do use the revolver part, just only in close combat.
- Comment on Britain’s richest family sentenced to 4 years in jail 8 months ago:
I will never understand the giga-rich. They could afford to hire round-the-clock help at rates that both buy expertise and inspire loyalty. Your house staff know where the bodies are buried, maybe literally—there’s no world where it makes sense to pay them less than six figures. Remember, $100,000 is 0.01% of $1,000,000,000, or about 0.003% of their estimated net worth of $37B. They could hire an extra maid at $100,000/year and not even notice the expense.
But they can afford even more than that. Splurge a little. Hire a specialist in early childhood education to tutor your kids. Get a chef who graduated from a renowned culinary school. They could afford to spend millions on salary. Why skimp? What do they think they are saving up for?
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
This is Sakurai’s explanation, and it seems reasonable to me:
“I feel very sorry for making the user wait,” he explained. “If you take one second from each user, that means you’ll be taking 10,000 seconds from 10,000 people. The more this repeats over the years, the more time you will cause players to lose."
- Comment on 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable 10 months ago:
Rublite died after being found unconscious under her coat in an A&E waiting room more than eight hours after arriving.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
A measuring cup is a specific size, about 237mL. There’s a whole system of US measurements, actually:
3 teaspoons in a tablespoon
2 tablespoons in an ounce
8 ounces in a cup
2 cups in a pint
2 pints in a quart
4 quarts in a gallon
Not all cups are measuring cups; if you are having a cup of coffee that doesn’t mean your cup is exactly 8oz. You just infer from context that if someone is talking about ingredients then you should measure them with a measuring cup.
- Comment on It's surprisingly difficult for AI to create just a plain white image 11 months ago:
I don’t know much about image generators, but it’s not surprising to me at all that ChatGPT can’t fulfill this request. Your prompt gets converted into tokens, tokens get processed by the model, it outputs a resulting set of tokens, and those get converted into text. Expecting the token-outputting-machine not to output any tokens is going to lead to disappointment.
- Comment on Dragon's Dogma 2: Review Thread 11 months ago:
I don’t think DD1 and BG3 have very much in common, honestly. DD1 was not a game where you engaged in immersive dialogue or developed interesting relationships (well, there was a relationship mechanic, but if you didn’t know how it worked, it didn’t feel like you had a lot of input.
It was more a game about walking around surprisingly atmospheric environments and then fighting for your life against surprisingly difficult encounters. (It also had the reverse-difficulty-curve problem, where the beginning of the game was very hard and the enemies felt very tanky because of how damage was calculated, and then once you had some reasonable gear and stats the game got much easier.)
I would definitely watch someone else play an hour or two of DD2 when it comes out before you decide to buy it, especially if the action combat was what you didn’t like about Dark Souls.
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
And it looks like the result of a transporter malfunction involving Baron Rivendare’s Deathcharger and Butt Stallion.
- Comment on How can you drive off a gas station with the hose still connected? 1 year ago:
Yeah I haven’t done this with a gas nozzle, but I walk off without stuff I need and which I was just holding basically every day, so I will probably manage this feat of incredible stupidity eventually.
- Comment on Awesome Games Done Quick starts tomorrow! 1 year ago:
It’s not super clear, but probably for ignoring directions from the organizers who tried to get him to stop impersonating Owen Wilson (for some reason) and stop telling people to tweet @AirCanada.
I think the ban has run out and he can submit runs again by now, but these are the kind of petty grudges I like to hold!
- Comment on Awesome Games Done Quick starts tomorrow! 1 year ago:
I haven’t forgiven them for banning Bonesaw577 after his legendary Jak and Daxter at SGDQ2016.
- Comment on Why is Google allowed to remove purchases from our Play Store accounts without telling us? 1 year ago:
They’re not really leases either. Leases last for a defined period of time, like “one year,” or they renew at regular intervals, like “monthly.” “Pay up front and we’ll let you keep this license for either forever or until we decide to revoke it without notifying you” isn’t the same thing.
- Comment on when the woke librals 😔😔 1 year ago:
“Captain America converts Thor to Christianity” could be very funny, actually.