- Comment on wizard posting 8 months ago:
The alchemist found a blue potion shielding you from this spell
- Comment on We cater any event! 8 months ago:
Wait, what?
Jim is back in town?
Roll up all barrels from the cellar. Today, we feast and drink!
- Comment on Absolutely diabolical 8 months ago:
Hardest exoskeleton of any known insect (researchers drove their Toyota over one of them, and it survived)
And an abnormal long lifespan for a beetle.
Intresting little critters
- Comment on Spicy jokes 8 months ago:
Figure one seems to only convey two messages:
Get me off
Get me your fucking mailing list
- Comment on Like a prion 8 months ago:
One cell contains 2 meters of follded dna 1 A human has 36 trillion cells 2 The distance between Earth and Jupiter varies from 588 million km to 999 million km and averages at 601 million kilometers 3
36 trillion * 2 meters / 0,6 trillion meters
120 times to Jupiter (or 60 times back an forth) on average
Or 72 times to Jupiter (36 times back and forth) at the highest distance
1 Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002. Chromosomal DNA and Its Packaging in the Chromatin Fiber. Available from:
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
I mean a paper is renowned if many people cute from it
We could just try citing more free papers, whenever possible (as long as they still have peer review)
- Comment on And they say English is bad 8 months ago:
Would you translate the bold text below the subtitles?
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
Your point is valid, but less funny and will therefore be ignored
(Thank you for fact checking)
- Comment on damnit, again 9 months ago:
Tgey will receive the sea slug pictures and they will like them! Do we understand us?
- Comment on My kind of advice 9 months ago:
The 3rd Axiom of Schopenhauer: if you are a dick to everybody, everybody will be equally and opposingly dickish to you
- Comment on Meirl 9 months ago:
I think they actually do know what they are doing and therefore there hypothesis is incorrect
They are perfectly following the scientific method:
Set up a hypothesis (I don’t know what I am doing)
Formulate a contrary null hypothesis (I know what I am doing) and try to prove it (if I know what I am doing, I will be able to do science stuff)
Notice that your experiment actually proves your null hypothesis, therefore rejecting your original claim
Panic, as negative results can not be published and a lack of publications threatens both the funding for your scientific career as well as your livelihood
Bend the data a little bit and throw any negative data because everybody is probably doing this
Proclaim you have proven your hypothesis
- Comment on Americans will find a new way to ruin their tastebuds every single day 9 months ago:
- Comment on Existential trolley problem 9 months ago:
- Comment on Covid was awesome. I got to spend more time in the basement 10 months ago:
I would have assumed the opposite
Some antivaxxer saying " if I can’t see your face because of your mask you are not getting in"
- Comment on Warning 10 months ago:
If you post a video that is very loud, you would give a volume warning so people don’t play it with the sound all up and hurt their ears
Volume can mean sound but also the space of an object, so the wordplay is a warning for the wrong kind of volume
- Comment on i need a professional 10 months ago:
I subscribed to with a very obviously fake name, and now I get emails titled “Are you the ‘obvious fakename’ mentioned in 3 biology papers?”
No. I don’t think I am.
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Why not just use Google scholar?
- Comment on Checkmate 11 months ago:
As soon as your king gets strapped to the guillotine, you have no more legal moves, and it is a draw by stale mate
- Comment on If my nan had wheels she'd be a bike 11 months ago:
Ok, but did you have to also make the title fit old Mc Donald’s? That’s overkill
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
Female, and I am sure there hides a boomer joke here
- Comment on Tenacious flu 1 year ago:
I think the person is quite possibly German as we have the same rules.
It is about three days of consecutive sick leave. Meaning you can be sick as long as you “want” to be, but if it is more than three days in a row, you have to get a certificate from a doctor
- Comment on Some Walmart employees say customers are getting hostile at self-checkout — and they blame anti-theft tech 1 year ago:
No we just care less about theft. The German ones are build to maximace speed and therefore usability. This theoretically makes it rather easy to steal.
If this would become to much of a problem they would also reduce comfort to increase security