- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 1 week ago:
Samsung had a smart watch with a curved screen and a 3g modem in 2014 (the original Gear S). I guess it didn’t work out.
- Comment on Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack 1 year ago:
It’s not related to Windows or Linux, but as the article notes, Apple devices that use UEFI are not vulnerable (and current ones don’t use it anymore and therefore aren’t vulnerable either), so I guess that’s where the “Windows or Linux” comes from.
- Comment on Amazon's drone delivery program is the joke it always sounded like. 1 year ago:
Pretty much everybody in this thread who is laughing at Amazon’s drones is thinking of drones as they are right now. But Amazon is not using drones because it’s a good idea now. They’re using drones now so they already have the experience and the setup when inevitable technical progress happens.
The drones might never work out or they might eventually work out, but this is exactly how Amazon got so big in the first place. They started selling books online when a lot of people still weren’t sure whether that could work and they started selling cloud computing almost ten years before anyone else thought to do that.
- Comment on Japan launches antimonopoly probe into Google's search dominance 1 year ago:
Amazon is not quite as dominant in Japan. Rakuten is still alive.