- Comment on Subnautica 2 early access should last "2 to 3 years" - it'll launch with "several biomes" and "some narrative" 4 months ago:
I would love to experience the sequel like I did the original, but not sure if it is repeatable.
- Comment on Which Mortal Kombat games across the years should I start with? 11 months ago:
I thought Mortal Kombat 1 was a good introduction to the series for me. The cinematic story is a banger in the first 2 thirds, and the final part is weak, but doesn’t break its neck.
And for quite some hours I had a lot of fun just playing it. However the gameplay will not hold up past the 2 week honeymoon phase, with all the bugs, pricing, always online and truly awful invasion mode, which is the core single player experience next to the story.
So it depends what you expect of it, other fighting games are just better in many aspects.
- Comment on List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display Tracking Dots 11 months ago:
But how safe from tracking would black and white lasers be? There is no evaluation at all on the chances.
- Comment on Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror 11 months ago:
/c/whoosh (if that exists). I try to recreate history.
- Comment on Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror 11 months ago:
Let’s say Russia succeeds at first. Shouldn’t the US pay some organization to wipe them out of the country?
- Comment on Notepad++ - A community for the notepad++ text editor! 1 year ago:
JuffEd looks from the screenshots as the closest one.
- Comment on Notepad++ - A community for the notepad++ text editor! 1 year ago:
Though the application overall is stable and usable, it should not be considered safe for critically important work. There are numerous bugs and half working implementations. Pull requests are greatly appreciated.
Not very reassuring.
- Comment on One thing I hope to see in the Fediverse is people engaging with old content 1 year ago:
Doubt it as they will get buried anyways. Forums should be more common and even they autolock threads. At some point in time you have to reframe the content into the current cultural context.
- Comment on NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft 1 year ago:
Just mentioning that a G-15 classified project is classified as such, is a serious crime. I will report to the authorities before they… Someone is already at my door!
- Comment on NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft 1 year ago:
I can’t even find the existence of the name, which would be quite unusual.
- Comment on NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft 1 year ago:
What is the X-109?
- Comment on Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades 1 year ago:
There were bosses with camera problems (off camera tells).
As Whitelight explains enemies with bad tells doing 90% damage. Enemy design is overall bad, because it is the same approach
Quote from Darkhack on the negative Steam review:
" Sadly, there are too many minor faults that manage to interrupt the fun. The launch ability that lets you throw objects can be unpredictable. Most of the time, Jesse will grab a nearby object or even pull rubble from the floor if nothing is available to throw at enemies. However, it’s not uncommon for the ability to glitch. At random moments, Jesse will inexplicably grab an object all the way across the room and wait for it to be pulled in and arrive at her side before throwing it. These objects can even get stuck on random geometry. I died more than once because Jesse decided that the desk located a mile away was the only suitable object to throw and she would wait for it to arrive while under heavy fire. That’s assuming it arrives at all and doesn’t get stuck along its path."
I think high damage mechanics are always a terrible idea in a physics based combat rule set instead of a restricted, openly telling system like in Mega Man or Final Fantasy XIV.
- Comment on Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades 1 year ago:
Nah, Control was gameplay wise jank. I see in fact more and more modern games with terrible takes on encounter design. I grew up with frame tight games. They were at times brutally hard and speed runs do end there with deaths to normal mechanics. However you could systematically learn the timings, patterns in a pleasant way until you got it right. You might fail at them crushingly, but you know quickly a no-hit run would be possible and truly unfair situations are quite rare even on the highest difficulties.
Not so the past few years it seems. The gamer press lets many games get away with actually terrible game design. Off camera attacks, bad tells, awfully tight frame windows, multiple enemies which can on a dice roll attack unfairly together into undodgeable situations and so on. And while I do think the extremely tightened game design I prefer limits creativity, I do expect from those games who make it a bit wonky at times that they know their place about it and loosen the demand on the player.
Quickly the criticism on this gets drown out by the hardcore “git gud” crowd which probably never went past half the game. And then there is another fraction of players, who learn to cheese the systems as in exploiting high DPS outputs to reduce the interaction with the encounter design.
Back to Control, yes, I was similarly very frustrated by some gameplay sections and the story doesn’t pass a basic writing course test. It sets up this wonderful intrigue in the beginning and then forgets that a story needs something like stakes and tension. And towards the end it just drips along until it ends.
- Comment on Six months after the initial reddit surge (graphs) 1 year ago:
The good news is it is stable and healthy with that amount.
- Comment on Good news, everyone! We temporarily stopped the orphan crushing machine! 1 year ago:
It doesn’t matter what kind of “fucked up” it is. The pay is too low.
- Comment on Square Enix’s president says it will be ‘aggressive in applying’ AI 1 year ago:
Which is also what the last CEO of Square Enix rode on. This is either investor appeasement or indeed improvement of quality with these tools or, and far more likely both buzzwords and producing crap to cut costs.
- Comment on Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times 1 year ago:
LibreOffice wants to call with broken rendering on Windows, but the changelog mentions new tasty features. But FOSS can do it, Debian can. Those project managers should learn from their approach, whatever it is.
- Comment on Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times 1 year ago:
It is fine, but then again I update it often too late which is actually pretty bad. The problem is Nextcloud pushes new features and a high frequency schedule of releases with those at an alarming rate of speed. Perhaps for corporate environments it is not as big of a deal as a professional team can fix obscure bugs with their knowledge and experience on their mirrored test servers, but home users don’t have these resources available and public community knowledge and bug fixes need time which that release schedule hinders.
I still wouldn’t say it is bad by default, simply because somehow it runs pretty stable for me since a decade. Updates are a pain though with many breaking changes and little bugs.
- Comment on Wi-Fi 7 Signals the Industry’s New Priority: Stability 1 year ago:
That game does have pretty good netcode, but it cannot do everything. If the Wi-Fi connection drops packets there are bound to be problems even with low ping. Not every Wi-Fi setup is the same and it also depends on your surroundings like the physical distance between devices and how much interference.
Sometimes the issue is only visible for one player. If you can, absolutely do use a wired connection. It will undoubtedly be better even with a good Wi-Fi setup.
- Comment on Wi-Fi 7 Signals the Industry’s New Priority: Stability 1 year ago:
Fighting games with Wi-Fi instead of Ethernet? Sounds more like a dream. This genre is particularly demanding on stable low latency connections and current technology absolutely doesn’t offer it. Spreading across frequencies sounds like a latency vs reliability trade-off.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
You really need to add Discord to this list as it is soaking up gigantic amounts of information about video games as a forum replacement. One could argue for actual community games like MMO’s it is perhaps slightly different, but for the majority it is a huge problem.
- Comment on It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives 1 year ago:
Thanks for the info!
- Comment on Concerns about 1 year ago:
For me it is more often slow than actually down.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Your points are very valid and it was a terrible thing for Epic to do, but they backpedaled on that and have never done the removing a product from Steam afterwards ever again.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Your post and further explanations are excellent. Don’t let the down vote fool from people with parasocial bonding to their game launcher fool you. Valve introduced account bound DRM, unregulated lootbox gambling, skin gambling and for the better part of a decade their UI was crap, there were no user reviews etc.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Epic Games paid big money to make some games platform exclusive.
Their launcher is, just like Origin and Ubisoft’s one, features wise vastly inferior to Steam.
Smaller indie level multiplayer games do not have crossplatform play with Steam, or other issues like DNF duel breaking player room ping indicators.
None of these explain the amount of frequency of anemosity towards Epic for their store. It seems some are in a parasocial relationship with their Steam launcher. A bit like console fanboy wars. And for some reason they prefer a monopoly without alternatives than one with alternatives. Perhaps some see the installation of another program as an intrusion to to their private comfort. Not rationally like Microsoft’s ill willed
spyingtelemetry, but emotionally led. I encountered a few people who just don’t want to install new programs and perhaps see Epic a threat to their habits.But I dislike them for dropping Unreal Tournament.
- Comment on It was the controller's fault 1 year ago:
What is chowda? That throw there?
- Comment on Best games that can be completed in under ten hours? 1 year ago:
Digital - A Love Story and its not so close successor Hate Plus. These are digital novels. The former is a story set in a cozy 80s BBS network and the other in an archeological space ship retelling stories related to old Korea. Both touched me very much.
- Comment on It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives 1 year ago:
Does it have premade forms available like circles?
- Comment on PSA: the federation problem is still present in Lemmy 19.1, the GitHub issue has been reopened 1 year ago:
Amazing how nuclear people went on my post downvoting, because I don’t place enough value on version numbers. It is just a bug like many others.