- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 3 weeks ago:
Look we’re wasting our hard earned tax payer money on crazy fraudulent things like science, education, weather, feeding children, helping the poor, medicine… Dumb things like that. And you’re gonna tell me that changing the name of a body of water to include the greatest God damn country in America is a waste? Next thing you know you’re gonna stand there and tell me that poor people should be able to afford a hospital visit.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 4 weeks ago:
Lol I was gonna say, unless this is supposed to be a prophesy of the future, things are almost literally the complete opposite of the quoted text right now.
- Comment on Just blame shrinkflation 7 months ago:
The big piece looks like someone cut out a circle from the middle and then tried to put it back and it’s bothering me.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Dude literally told advertisers to go fuck themselves and is now like “well wait, I didn’t mean it like that” lmao
- Comment on Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off 8 months ago:
Here’s the problem, it’s a solution to a problem nobody had. Never once have I heard someone say “well it’s a solid phone but God I just wish it didn’t have that pesky 3.5mm headphone jack!” It’s just another feature stripped from the phone to clearly get you to buy more shit. I don’t want yet another damn thing I have to charge. I dont want to deal with keeping track of two tiny ass earbuds and if I lose one I gotta get a whole new pair. I don’t want to deal with the fact that now if I want to listen to wired I have to buy more shit like an adapter and if I lose those headphones, now I gotta buy another one of those along with new headphones. And I hate that if I do go wireless and lose them or they break, I can’t fall back on wired because it’s not even an option unless I happen to also have the adapter.
It’s just another in a long line of clear middle fingers to consumers and it’s annoying. Does it like ruin the phone and the experience of a phone? Of course not. Is it a completely pointless pain in the ass with the obvious and sole purpose of funneling consumers into buying a cycle of products they almost definitely need and don’t already have? Absolutely. And for that I say they can eat a big bag of crap.
- Comment on Here’s How That Disney 360° Treadmill Works 9 months ago:
Just think how annoying it would be if like the best players in the world were only good because they were literally Olympic sprinters and just ran literal circles around you in a fight lol
- Comment on Take That, Conspiracy Nuts! 10 months ago:
It’s like catching a little kid in a lie and they just keep on making up more and more hilarious crap to cover the initial lie. Each lie builds on itself requiring a bigger, more ridiculous lie to cover it up and before you know it, you went from who ate the missing yogurt to now the sky is a glass dome, the sun is a giant flashlight that the government turns on and off and the moon only glows because of magical glow worms that live on its surface
- Comment on Wgen you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
This is what I’ve done since but I was inexperienced and naive the first couple states I lived lol. But they are relentless! Every single time I go they typically ask for email or phone so it’s happened where I’ll remember not to give it for most of the time but will randomly slip one day after donating cause I’m a moron. I’ve also had several places that somehow got my number and I swear I’ve never given it to them. I have no clue how they obtained it. Probably from my email or something. The place I’m currently at I have given a fake number and email so far and it seems to be working but they do ask to send confirmation emails for appointments which causes some issues so I’ve just been going when my wife goes and seeing if I can get in then or just make an appointment in person. I’m sure they’ll pry it out of me at some point 😄
- Comment on Wgen you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
I’ve lived around and have donated to blood banks in every city I’ve lived in pretty much. The amount of calls I get asking for me to donate is absolutely insane. They don’t stop no matter what I do. I’m getting calls from places in states I haven’t lived in for like a decade.
I’m pretty sure if I ever went missing or got kidnapped at this point, the blood banks would track me down and beg me to donate way before my family or the police.
- Comment on Historical fun fact 10 months ago:
The real grandmasters were the old guys we made along the way
- Comment on Alarming Ocean Temperatures tease daunting hurricanes this year - Reckless Growth has Dire Consequences 11 months ago:
I honestly do not believe there is a limit so long as there is money to be made by ignoring that they are an issue.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Yeah but I’m pretty sure that’s just cause the sun is upside down over there or something.
- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
Wasn’t like one of his focuses going to be getting rid of bots? Did they just not do anything and the bots just invaded or did the bots just get better?
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
You’re totally right. I misspoke. I should have said the largest demographic I suppose. I meant that users under the age of like 21 are by far the biggest “piece of the pie” of users.
I’d push back a little that it’s not a kids app tho. I think they are targeting teens and young adults as the primary demographic but I could definitely be persuaded out of that. But having worked in a high school for the last 4 years, I can at least say that tik tok is those kids LIFE lol. It is all they think about. Eat sleep and dream tik tok with like YouTube and Instagram in the background.
Also I didn’t mean at all that the app was pushing “minor” content or fetishizing young kids or anything in any way. That’s my mistake if it came off like that. I more meant to ask if the user was okay with users giving their data away even if they were a teenager as they would obviously be either much less “informed” or just don’t care about where their personal data is sent or why.
But I guess it doesn’t matter. This is like the tenth time I’ve asked an honest question just got down voted a ton and not even answered lol I guess the lesson is to just not ask questions idk my bad
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
Absolutely not saying you’re right or wrong at all. But I’m curious, does you’re opinion change at all considering that the majority of users on tik tok are under the age of 18?
- Comment on Google is making a map of methane leaks for the whole world to see 1 year ago:
Party pooper
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck May Have A Rust Problem 1 year ago:
I’ve seen a few now and every time I can’t help but think that it’s like what a 4 year old with a marker and paper trying to draw a truck from memory would look like in real life.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
How dare you. Just for one second think of someone other than yourself. How do you think the pharmaceutical companies are gonna feel about that? Or their poor shareholders? Pfizer’s CEO only made $33 million last year. How the hell do you expect him to feed his kids when he’s not making that much because your precious healthcare system ate into his meager earnings. The medical corporations are barely scraping by!!
- Comment on After luring customers with low prices, Amazon stuffs Fire TVs with ads 1 year ago:
I cannot stand how believable this scenario is.
- Comment on Please check you kids' Halloween candy, everyone 1 year ago:
yeah i read mostly sci fi books so around like 300-400 pages all text and i’d say the average e-book for them is like 150-200kb’s so if it were books like that you’d be looking at stuffing like 300,000 books on there.
- Comment on Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal approved by UK regulators 1 year ago:
That’s not quite how this works tho. Microsoft doesn’t make games. Sony doesn’t make games. The only exception is Nintendo but even they outsource a ton of devopment to studios like 1-up studios, monolith soft, retro studios etc. These companies just make a console that plays games and then they try to buy rights to good games or studios so they can make their games exclusive to that console to bolster sales. Sure, sony and microsoft could pour tons and tons and tons of money into creating their own studios i guess that make their own branded games but they have decided to focus on hardware sales instead. This is especially true for microsoft where the xbox is just a small part of the business where the PC market is their focus.
From a business standpoint, it makes 10000% more sense to just try and acquire other businesses that do the work under you and you just publish their games. Which is why nintendo, sony, and microsoft all try to do it so much. I mean Sony alone has bought 14 development studios since last year.
- Comment on Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal approved by UK regulators 1 year ago:
This whole thing has confused the ever loving balls out of me. Xbox and Microsoft having been getting MURDERED over the last few years and ridiculed by pretty much everyone for one reason and one reason only, they have no games. Why get an Xbox? PlayStation and Nintendo have all the good exclusives. Xbox has nothing.
Now, Microsoft goes out and buys up some IP’s and studios that have games they can make exclusive if they want (even tho they’ve said over and over they won’t for the ones that currently aren’t console exclusives but we’ll see on that one). So, for the first time in pretty much forever they’ll have the opportunity for console exclusives other than Halo and now everyone is complaining that they’ll make the games console exclusives. It’s like the biggest damned if you do, damned if you don’t for them lol.
“Fuck Xbox they don’t have any good exclusives.”
Microsoft goes out and gets good exclusives
“Fuck Xbox they’re making the good games exclusive.”
- Comment on FTC files “the big one,” a lawsuit alleging Amazon illegally maintains monopoly 1 year ago:
I’m not saying don’t try. I’m just saying stop telling everyone “This is it! This is gonna be the one!” And then absolutely nothing happens.
Don’t tell me what is gonna happen. You can go ahead and let me know if anything does actually happen. I’m just so sick of hearing the same old “we got em now” story and then absolutely nothing happens
- Comment on FTC files “the big one,” a lawsuit alleging Amazon illegally maintains monopoly 1 year ago:
I feel the exact same way with celebrities or the uber wealthy and criminal trials. Just skip to the part where they pay .000000001% of their net worth n fines or bail or whatever and get off scot free.
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
MS, ALS, and Alzheimer’s are probably the diseases I hope they cure the most at some point. Those 3 are just so ruthless and so hard on everyone. Every time I see something like this I’m super excited but I also feel like I’ve been hearing stuff like this for decades now
- Comment on CRISPR used to 'reprogram' cancer cells into healthy muscle in the lab 1 year ago:
I look forward to Christians saying this is blasphemous and it subsequently being made illegal. As is tradition.
- Comment on Danny Masterson Is Sentenced to 30 Years to Life in Prison for Two Rapes 1 year ago:
I’m certainly no expert and a self admitted dumbass but I always assumed it was something along the lines of these people get rich and famous, get used to being able to get whatever they want, anytime they want it. Everyone around them tells them they’re the shit. Girls (or guys) are falling all over them. But then they find the one thing they want but can’t have… And then they kinda just have to have it cause they get everything they want, why would this be any different. So they take it.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
Throw some good books my way! I’m always on the lookout
- Comment on DON'T 1 year ago:
Revolver Ocelot