- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
🔫🌼 Always has been.
- Comment on I thought it was an easy question ... 3 months ago:
Or, in either field (formal language theory bridges both) it can mean any string of symbols, letters, or tokens.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
The point is there’s no statistical difference between rolling one die an infinite number of times, rolling an infinite number of dice once, and rolling an infinite number of dice an infinite number of times.
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s ass.
- Comment on xcoffee 4 months ago:
Hence error 418.
- Comment on I'm an 8 4 months ago:
What’s wrong with that cat?
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Right, like the guy with the negatronic brain isn’t going to be evil. Come on!
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Then you get things like GTA or Saints Row, where whether I want to be using kb+m or controller changes based on whether I’m driving or on foot.
I’ve long thought that the ideal control scheme would somehow incorporate both a mouse for camera control, the sheer number of buttons you get from having your off-hand on a keyboard, and also analog inputs for things like movement/steering and vehicle throttle.
- Comment on Poggers 5 months ago:
There’s a running gag in archaeology that variations on “ritual purposes” actually means “I have no idea what this was for”.
That said, there has historically been a connection between certain divination practices and games of chance, so this could easily be both.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Finally, a worthy sequel to 5nowdog5.
- Comment on My favorite holiday 5 months ago:
In fact Diyonisius Exiguus made some errors when counting back to establish the anno Domini date system and as such Jesus would likely have been born between 4 and 8 BC.
- Comment on Breakthrough barium titanate solar panels are 1000x more powerful than existing panels 6 months ago:
It’s not a measure of efficiency per se, but efficiency is a limiting factor:
In order for a solar panel to put out 1000x more power, the baseline you’re comparing it to must be at most 0.1% efficient, because otherwise the new thing would have greater than 100% efficiency and that isn’t possible.
And that’s a purely thermodynamic argument. The actual limit for solar efficiency is likely less.
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
Every model is wrong. Some are useful.
- Comment on the lamarcube 6 months ago:
Since this is for the benefit of non Spanish speakers, I feel the need to point out that the word “abogato” is a portmanteau of “abogado” (lawyer) and “gato” (cat).
- Comment on This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties 7 months ago:
“Objects are made by men and used for many purposes. But we never…love…objects.”
—James Franco
“There’s nothing going on with the ottoman! That’s a business relationship!”
- Comment on 🤌🤌🤌 8 months ago:
I believe the g palatalizes the n, so it’s more like nyok-key.
- Comment on Wtf did I just read 9 months ago:
Best advice I’ve probably gotten on any subject ever was in a modern physics course. The professor said to focus on the math first and then, only when you’ve got a solution, think about what it means. If you try to think about it while working it out, your intuitions about what should happen will get in the way and you’ll make mistakes.
- Comment on 👩🦰💔 9 months ago:
See also: Herodotus is the father of history despite being an absolutely terrible historian by modern standards.
- Comment on Don’t upvote this 9 months ago:
There’s also the nocebo meme, where you show someone a regular meme and tell them it’s a shitpost.
- Comment on banana slugs 10 months ago:
As someone who is from Or*n, rofl. My parents even have a story about their dog from when I was a baby freaking out about a banana slug while we were camping.
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
TIL the Star Trek Discovery character has a real life namesake.
- Comment on tremendous 10 months ago:
“Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own national bird at the windmills until they reached their limit and shut down.”
- Comment on tremendous 10 months ago:
Also thunder and lightning really ought to count as seeing and hearing electricity.
Hell, seeing anything at all may technically count, because electromagnetic waves.
- Comment on Hasbro exec says Baldur's Gate 3 "proved for us that people really wanted great D&D games," supports Larian's plan to "take the time we need" 11 months ago:
I wouldn’t mind some Spelljammer also.
Give us all the weird settings!
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Oh. I thought they were saying they’re good a drawing curly brackets.
Which, those are some nice curly brackets.
- Comment on Fuse replacement guide 1 year ago:
Is it 16 amps for the entire wedge of cheese or just the wrapper?
- Comment on Fact: becoming a programmer significantly increases your risk of being blinded and eaten by a Dilophosaurus 1 year ago:
Excuse me, but clearly it’s UNIX that leads to Dilophosaur consumption. We know this.
- Comment on Indiana Jones being first-person "separates" it from other action-adventures, says director 1 year ago:
Other action-adventures like Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine?
(Which, in fairness, did get called a Tomb Raider knockoff.)
- Comment on Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. 1 year ago:
The original Battlestar Galactica.
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
how do you think they hunted bears?
I’m a little surprised by the crossbows. My guess would have been rifles.