- Comment on Broadcom reverses controversial plan in effort to cull VMware migrations 2 months ago:
VMware did certain enterprise things very well, eg, when you are maintaining multiple data centers and thousands of images.
Specifically, lifecycle management, target state configuration, failover/HA, virtual networking and storage pools, and more. OpenNebula and proxmox just don’t cut it for this large enterprise use case, unless you have a significant amount of home-grown tooling.
- Comment on Massive loot from garage sales! 4 months ago:
You should probably hide that phone number.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
Don’t worry about what you can or can’t do four weeks from now. Stay focused on what you need to do this week.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
On day one, do one push up. Day two, two. Sounds a bit ridiculous, but it gradually builds difficulty.
Crucially, it is not all in one sitting. On day 10, so five when you wake up, and five before bed. Break it up into something achievable. And if you miss a day, don’t sweat it.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
More likely, poor posture is a symptom of poor core strength, particularly, your deltoids and lower back. Try taking a short walk once a day; Yoga is a great next step. Longer term, maybe light weights or rows alongside a treadmill or stationary bike.
- Comment on Is it fair to ask individuals to make significant changes to their lifestyles to combat climate change?" 5 months ago:
Said it better than I could. Fair? Yes. Effective? No.
- Comment on As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe? 5 months ago:
Even as a power user… You can’t.
And, in the 21st century, nothing on your computer is safe and private, least of all, browser extensions.
Even if an extension is safe today, with a tiny handful of notable exceptions, it will be”monetized”, or bought and sold to someone that will use it to install adware on your system, train their AI model, or steal your personal information.
There is no feasible defense to this for a layperson, other than absolute transparency in FOSS, and even that is under attack via flaws in the software supply chain.
The best a layperson can hope for is that major vendors care more about exclusivity and locking others out of their ecosystem, such that they are the only ones who have full control of your data (Apple, Google, Microsoft).
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
Actively encouraging people to toss perfectly good hardware to fuel their subscription bullshit… and these guys weren’t even recently bought by a VC firm or anything?
- Comment on Favourite patient modern game? 8 months ago:
How have the “interactive” features been now that there are fewer players? Is it a wasteland, or does the game still randomly place in user generated content from when the game first released?
- Comment on Favourite patient modern game? 8 months ago:
Pretty stoked for the upcoming Vault Hunters “vanilla” mod.
- Comment on Favourite patient modern game? 8 months ago:
Definitely second both of these. Cyberpunk 2077 post 2.0 is very solid, with an engaging, 100+ hour story. Similarly, control is a spectacular single player narrative, easily 20-30 hours of mindfuckery and atmospheric storytelling.
- Comment on If one day our Fingerprint ends up Getting Stollen, Is There a Way we can Change it? 1 year ago:
Authentication is, explicitly, the process of validating that you are who you say you are. Like biometrics, your username is part of your digital identity. So you are correct in arguing that biometrics alone is little stronger than a username, but by definition, both are part of authentication.
That said, to securely authenticate your identity, you need to use multiple factors.
- Comment on If one day our Fingerprint ends up Getting Stollen, Is There a Way we can Change it? 1 year ago:
Could you? Yes. But there really is no point— biometrics alone are only a single factor for authentication.
You should have at least two of the three— something you are (fingerprint, facial, or retinal recognition), something you have (badge, token, secure device), and something you know (passphrase).
- Comment on Strings do too many things 1 year ago:
If OP is also sending a validation email, it would fail, so no issue.
- Comment on DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH – State of Play Announce Trailer 1 year ago:
Hope they actually have interiors this time.