- Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 2 weeks ago:
I assume that the PS5 Pro is great for its target audience: people who care about getting the best possible graphics on a console. They bought it, they tried it, they loved it, and they praised it. The issue with the PS5 Pro is that not everyone fits into that niche. For people who are not playing on giant 4K TVs, what is the benefit? What does it provide that a regular PS5 (or even a PS4) does not? Sony has not provided an answer, from what I have seen.
- Comment on After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller 4 months ago:
Uncharted and Last of Us are first party Sony games. If they were to say that a game can still be enjoyable without cutting edge graphics no one would want to buy the latest PlayStation iteration.
- Comment on FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported 5 months ago:
It would be a nice gesture, but I will believe those promises of support when they have teeth to them.
What happens if they stop doing it? Do I have to sue them for breach of contract, have to prove actual damages, and settle the class action lawsuit for $5 in store credit?
What happens if the company goes bankrupt or creates a new subsidiary to service the product and the subsidiary folds?
What level of support are they obligated to provide? What issues must be fixed and how promptly?
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
In regards to SSX, after the success of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater remake, I am surprised that EA did not counter with a remake of SSX Tricky. I love how accessible the SSX controls are while still offering plenty of depth for people who want to optimize their runs. It is too bad that EA Sports seems to be focused on simulationist sports games (and live services).
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
I thought that the uproar about horse armor was that it was the first pay-to-win DLC. The armor was not just cosmetic but actually provided a stat boost to your horse. The accusation was that the developers had made it too easy for enemies to kill your horse and decided to patch the game to fix it but made players pay for the patch.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
Note with Stardew Valley: it is not unplayable without a controller, but if you have clumsy sausage fingers like me, the poor touch controls really took me out of the game.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
That reminds me of the time, quite a few years ago, Amazon tried to automate resume screening. They trained a machine learning model with anonymized resumes and whether the candidate was hired. Then they looked at what the AI was looking at. The model had trained itself on how to reject women.
- Comment on The MSI Claw is an embarrassment 9 months ago:
Welcome to Lemmy. If Windows is ever mentioned, the knee jerk reaction is "Windows bad. Linux good.”
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
LinkedIn is one of the few sites where I use my real name. It is for connecting with past and future coworkers, so they get my real identity.
- Comment on ‘The View’ Host Joy Behar Scoffs at Young People Feeling ‘Left Behind by the Economy’: ‘Oh Please, Get a Job!’ 1 year ago:
That is because McDonald’s offers employee health insurance for only $10/pay period… They do offer that insurance, right?
If it is not clear, I very much doubt that they offer such cheap health insurance (and that is assuming that they don’t have a policy in place that forbids workers from being scheduled for more than 29 hours per week per franchise so they can be classified as “part time” at each location and not offered health benefits).
- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago:
And CD Project Red has the right to sue those publishers.
Of course, if they do and the other side chooses to fight, they will have to explain to a judge why the trademark was granted to them despite a mountain of prior art describing games as cyberpunk.
- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago:
Just because they are not openly pursuing enforcement does not mean that they will not. Just the audacity to trademark a generic term widely used in media discussion makes me think that they are being represented by scumbag lawyers.
- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago:
They purchased the trademark from the old role playing game and then expanded it, if I recall.
The RPG did not invent the term. It was riding the hype of cyberpunk literature. The first use of the term is from 1980 (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cyberpunk). According to Wikipedia, the game did not come out until 1988 (…m.wikipedia.org/…/Cyberpunk_(role-playing_game) ).
- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago:
Humble (the company that sells Bundles) has some games listed as DRM free games in their store. Never bought individual games from them, but I have gotten DRM free games in their bundles.
Also, fuck GOG. They are owned by CD Project Red, the piece of shit lawyers who trademarked the term cyberpunk.
- Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago:
As an older fan, because historically, dubs were utter crap. Until about 20 years ago, only kids anime got dubbed and when it was that version would be edited and censored. Some companies would also put out a parallel uncensored release and if one was available, it would be subs only.
Even when you started to get older teen anime dubbed, the voice casting tended to be pretty bad.
- Comment on Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time. 1 year ago:
That 63 year average lifespan is a bit misleading since, I assume, it is just the mean age at death. It includes infants who die in the delivery room and people who die of untreatable diseases during childhood. It would be more accurate to put the average lifespan of people who made it to adulthood (since they are the only ones who contribute to social security).
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Water is best served at a bit below room temperature (maybe 50° F/10° C). I don’t want my teeth hurting and my throat frozen. Also, waiters should be good around and refilling water glasses, not dropping off my food and GTFO until I am done eating.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Why is “with ice” the default option for drinks in the US? For beverages, the restaurant is saving money, but for water?
- Comment on ‘Punish the molesters after my death’ School girl ends life ,The girl wrote her suicide note that despite her family lodging complaints, police took no action because the accused are rich. 1 year ago:
According to her suicide note, she dropped out of school fearing for her life. It sounds like she decided to choose her own cause of death instead of having one chosen for her. Very tragic.
- Comment on OpenAI cofounder and chief scientist says he deeply regrets participating in ousting Sam Altman 1 year ago:
What leadership at OpenAI really regrets is forgetting to double check that Altman had a non-compete in place. It sounds like he is bringing his favorite employees over to Microsoft.
- Comment on Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM 1 year ago:
I have a plug-in hybrid. I try to charge while running errands. I (almost) never can. In my area, most stores don’t have chargers and those that do, typically have a slow charger with 2-4 spots. Those spots are always taken.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It has been tried quite a few times. Inevitably, one side or the other does something mildly antagonistic, the other side retaliates, and they are back at war.
Maybe the answer is to do the opposite? Start arming both sides to the gills? Any nation going through nuclear disarmament drops of the nukes in no man’s land between the two? Make it so if either nation so much as sneezes wrong, not only is the region glass, but humanity ends in a nuclear winter, so every country in the world has a stake in keeping the peace?
/s, but I really don’t have much hope for peace, sadly
- Comment on Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage 1 year ago:
And yes iMessage has way higher image quality than sms, just like RCS has
MMS resolution seems fine for me and on Android, if I try to send a photo via SMS, my phone will alert me and suggest that I send that particular text (with a photo attachment) via MMS.
- Comment on Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage 1 year ago:
For now. Facebook has said that they plan to disable end-to-end encryption in WhatsApp at some point, so that you can receive messages from people using Facebook Messenger.
- Comment on Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage 1 year ago:
I miss the old days of Trillian, a single pane of glass UI for all the major IM networks, cross-service meta contacts, and the messaage history was kept client side.
- Comment on Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage 1 year ago:
It is not just high school students that care about pureblood iMessage group chats. Also dip shit wife beaters: news.yahoo.com/nba-head-coach-punished-team-16145…
- Comment on Milk 1 year ago:
No, subscription based, like World of Warcraft.
- Comment on Tired at work? Now you can sleep vertically... 1 year ago:
How cramped are offices that you cannot find space for a horizontal or seated nap pod (never mind the fact that having a need for nap pods may be a clue that your workers are chronically overworked).
- Comment on Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech 1 year ago:
Purely coding, gender may have no relationship to individual code quality.
The desire to have diverse teams comes from studies that show a correlation between team diversity and making better decisions. A team with diverse backgrounds is likely to consider more options and bring up more concerns. That is important when doing design work or code review.
- Comment on Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech 1 year ago:
I agree. HR is constantly trying to train managers to write more inclusive job descriptions. I also wonder how many female candidates are lost in pre-screening.