- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 days ago:
The reality is that these people were/are unhappy in their lives due to stagnation in their finances/jobs, poor healthcare, and they don’t have a tight local community. Then these dumb, angry people are primed to accept someone who says they’ll fix their lives, and knows how to talk right to them. Everything else is just toppings, but that’s really the meat of it.
- Comment on Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content 3 days ago:
ahhh that’s what happened to me then. I just randomly got banned one day and I think it was reporting a conservative post for hate or something
- Comment on Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content 3 days ago:
Welcome. I joined from reddit in 2025, and happy to see more come over since Reddit has become a corporate, bot-filled, propaganda arm for many different groups
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
For sure, that’s definitely a big American thing. The entire irony is that the term “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” was coined to say how you can’t do that, meant to describe an impossible task. Somehow conservatives took it and then made it mean the exact opposite, which if exactly on brand for them.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
sure but in every comment I made it very clear what I think of those programs
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
See how quick you were to go to the extreme and start strawmanning everything in your previous comment though? That’s the problem.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
I’m not saying the government shouldn’t help the people who need it though. Bring back FDR. I think that’s the big reason why I’m not actually conservative. The help should be there, but people should have an internal desire to rely on outside forces as little as possible. I think many already have that desire, but not enough by far.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Who said any of that? You’re making up stuff I didn’t say…
People that need help should absolutely get it in all those forms. I’m talking about like, not participating in the economy as much. Growing your own food, relying on yourself as much as possible. Like I said in other comments here, I think I’ve horseshoed around off the left and I’ve ended up in a hyper-local community driven economy mindset.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Basically what I mean is the mindset of doing everything possible in your power to be self-sufficient. I think I’ve gone so far off the left side I’ve horseshoed around. Everyone should be striving to be as self-sufficient as possible and not need to rely on external forces. I’m far from it, but I’m trying, at least given the past few years (and especially this month) I’m preparing for bad situations.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Ideally you’d have multi-party coalition districts with RCV or STV to elect them. We have a duopoly because of FPTP.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Nah, I’m not talking about the actual current Republican party nowadays. They need to die out and form a new party that’s actually conservative. It’s the most corrupt swamp straight outta Uzbekistan or Russia at this point. The things they’re doing now, no Democrats should compromise on ever.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Sure that’s fair. Whatever you want to label it, there needs to be some kind of balances against full progressivism so it doesn’t go extremely far to the left. I say this as a pretty far left progressive in most things, but have some minor conservative ideals (such as individuals wanting to support themselves without relying on outside sources). Again, I’m well aware that’s not modern Conservatism in the US these days.
- Comment on Scientists brace ‘for the worst’ as Trump purges climate mentions from websites 4 weeks ago:
We all need to buckle in, brace for the worst, and push back at every step. The strategy is just do everything they can to overwhelm the people of the country (their “adversaries”) so that even if they only get 10% successfully pushed through, that’s still a huge problem.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Gonna get downvoted, but conservative ideals should be present to some minor extent to balance things out. I don’t mean modern conservatives or Republicans, but the concept of fiscal conservatism (e.g. preventing waste in the military). I’m not talking about the fIsCaL cOnSeRvAtIsM that current Republicans preach either, like hollowing out social programs to give tax cuts to their buddies. So yeah that’s of course not what we have now, but there should be a healthy balance for that kind of thing.