- Comment on The Fediverse Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present We’ve Been Denied. 1 day ago:
Lemmy was the first Fediverse that actually worked for me, because I don’t like Twitter and don’t care to follow randos I’ve never heard of. I like anonymous forums.
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 1 week ago:
I mean to me, if I’m trying to get with you, or while I’m with you, all I care about is if you like me or not.
I think a lot of guys think that it would honestly be perfectly ok for you to go on having gay sex in your straight relationship. They aren’t threatened by another woman because that woman isn’t fulfilling the role they fulfill: sex with a penis. They also probably think you’d be missing out not to have both in your life if you are bi.
Or they are just erasing. But sometimes the same behavior can come from completely different ideas.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
“Back in my day” (angry fist at the world) I was 11 participating in adult evolution vs creationism forums with plenty of nut jobs. I watched porn on my dad’s computer, pirated music and Naruto, played games Instead of talking to girls. It’s certainly a different world, but not thaaattt different.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
The vendors were modernizing and they pushed back.
I’m glad you could set up a way to falsify your beliefs so that they could, indeed, be proven false
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
I’ve just followed this revolving door of male self improvement advice for a long time now. It actually started for me at church, those guys hate a young man without a “role model”. Then people started blaming the lack of role models and we got Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, when honestly the biggest problem facing men in society was capitalism and overwork not male lack of self improvement. Then people were like, no not THOSE role models, and now people are blaming young men for Trump voting etc, when again it’s role models themselves that are making these kids fail to see their issues in relation to labor.
What if, instead of teaching men to be followers we taught them to be leaders and free thinkers. Women too. I never once woke up as a kid and was like, man I wish I had someone to look up to. I had people to learn from but I was imminently aware of other people’s flaws and the fallacy of emulating success.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
She actually doesn’t say he has toxic male role models in his life, he has conservatives in his life, who she admits are not good sex-advice-givers or puberty-talk-havers. She doesn’t say they are Nazi’s or wifebeaters or something. The assumptions I’d make from this is he has conservative trad-marriage role models, which I had too. These people teach you a distorted view of sex, but also a lot of the best male role models in my life live as conservatives.
Anyway, no I don’t really think that male role models are as important as we like to think. This is kinda a “what is wrong with our youth” take on modernity. A good female role model to a man can be almost more influential. Her being a good mom is going to influence his views on women a lot more than any dudebro with no relation to him, especially if she calls him on misogyny he may pick up.
A man who loves women has healthy female role models. That’s more important than anything in developing their views on women.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
“If the description is sounding like it fits”
Where in OP did it sound like it fits?
I get the impression the guy I’m replying to is working with troubled youth. Even then, most men and boys are taught to defend their moms as a point of pride, not the opposite.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
lol this is a very macho man view of a male growth spurt. Yes he will become stronger than most women, but it’s not a given he will become much stronger, or that he’s a sports guy. I didn’t work out till I was well into my 20s and you could hardly call me strong even compared to women.
Grrr man strong, need break things, intellectual sponge, need other testosterone figure to understand confusing body. Like dude wtf 😂. We had completely opposite male childhood experiences apparently. I was intellectually stimulated, physically weak, and don’t particularly remember needing to ask my dad what was going on with my hormones.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
This may be weird, but honestly I wish someone had just given me a copy of “she comes first” (a good book I still use today), and an Adam and Eve gift card. The last one I’ll give you one good reason: it’ll be a lot better if he’s fucking a toy than having sex as a teen. It’ll also make it a bit of a training experience, a lot of guys that age just want to know “what it’s like”.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
You can literally blame Apple for that, because that standard did progress, and they did not incorporate it into their default messaging app for years due to anticompetitive marketing practices. To compare the responsibilities of a default and only (since you can’t sidecar on iPhone) text messaging app on a phone with 50% market share with a third party app is bad faith.
Did you just reverse your position? I’m confused.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
It’s not just a visual indication of if it’s encrypted. SMS sucks, truly, compared to apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, etc. so it’s actually annoying to message people with green text. Now that Apple does RCS it’s not a big deal, but in the USA there’s no default internet messaging app like WhatsApp, to the extent that there is one, it’s iMessage.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
I hate to say it, the reason people choose dating partners on phone use is because of blue texts on iMessage. that’s the only reason. Apple was brilliant pitching that as an Android problem instead of playing fair and working on an open standard since day 1. Dragged their feet for years.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
Tbh androids privacy is shit. I’d rather deal with Apple than Google both on hardware and privacy any day. The only way I’d switch is to something like Graphene
- Comment on Scientists map the forces acting inside a proton 2 weeks ago:
That just looks like the field around a point charge…
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
It’s insane obsidian isn’t open source, since it’s just a fancy vscode plugin or fork basically (idk how they developed it obviously but that’s all you’d need to do). That’s why I don’t use it. It’s too simple not to be OSS
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
Yeah Logseq is actually a much better knowledge management tool than obsidian. It’s literally built for that, whereas obsidian requires you to force structure onto it.
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
Just because other tools use # in other ways doesn’t mean they aren’t useful the way they are now in Logseq. It’s just a one character shorthand rather than four characters. I find tags as they are in Evernote and Obsidian exceedingly worthless for all but the most strictly organized individuals, not so in Logseq.
A query is helpful when you need it, but rarely needed.
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
Well I think the first thing is just simply that documents aren’t notes, so you wouldn’t write those things in Logseq.
What you are writing in Logseq is a zettlekasten, which is just a personal knowledge graph. And in a knowledge graph, everything needs to relate somehow to everything else, that’s why it has to be an outline.
So things can relate to the journal date they were written on, to their parent and children concepts, and to the links that they contain. Every idea has at least a relationship to the date you wrote it, but hopefully you can link that idea to more than just that relationship.
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
I actually find the lack of distinction between a tag and a wiki link a breath of fresh air. So many other apps make a meaningless distinction between them and make you choose ahead of time a styleguide for how you plan to use both. Logseq makes a query able style enforced and then you adapt to using it. Very different
- Comment on AI and Copyright: Expanding Copyright Hurts Everyone—Here’s What to Do Instead. 2 weeks ago:
Minhash might be able to produce a similarity metric without needing exactness and without revealing the training data.
- Comment on AI and Copyright: Expanding Copyright Hurts Everyone—Here’s What to Do Instead. 2 weeks ago:
You could always just do reverse search on the open dataset to see if it’s an exact copy (or over a threshold).
You MIGHT even be able to do that while masking the data using hashing.
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
Yeah but you learn it and it’s a far more organized approach
- Comment on place yer bets 2 weeks ago:
… that’s exactly what would happen, it would land on all the people who don’t believe in science.
If this happens frequently enough the Republican Party will just vanish.
- Comment on slurp slop 2 weeks ago:
Highly educational
- Comment on Obsidian is now free for work - Obsidian 2 weeks ago:
Use Logseq. It’s amazing IMO. And OSS
- Comment on All of Humane's AI pins will stop working in 10 days 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been in an acquisition like this. I feel for anyone who has their startup work dismantled by an acquisition just looking to hire and squash their product.
- Comment on What does the 3-2-1 rule look like for you? 2 weeks ago:
My one other media type is “the cloud”.
I use hard drives, I can’t imagine trying to put something on a disk or something.
One thing I do recommend, I keep one unencrypted hard drive copy in the safest most hidden part of my house. This is in case encryption software disappears, or I just forget my encryption keys or something.
Other than that, one encrypted copy of files in a thumb drive in my wallet (selected files, not everything). One in my car. One in my firesafe. Then daily cloud backup.
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 2 weeks ago:
IME a language is as good as its package manager and libraries, and cargo is great.
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 2 weeks ago:
Go routines are certainly special and hard to match, but rust has all the normal abstractions of a language like C, just with a borrow checker so you can avoid memory leaks, write after read, etc.
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know but I don’t think rust has that problem. In fact I’ve always thought its data ownership paradigm is literally the most optimal approach to concurrency and parallelism. I really love using rayon in rust for instance.