- Comment on As Civil War Heats Back Up, U.S. Troops Are Still Deployed in Syria — And Under Fire 2 months ago:
China hasn’t dropped a bomb in 40 years.
- Comment on As Civil War Heats Back Up, U.S. Troops Are Still Deployed in Syria — And Under Fire 2 months ago:
China, because theyre not imperialist.
- Comment on Lone Soldiers. New Australian IDF recruits due to arrive in Israel in January 2 months ago:
An Aussie being a racist, genocide apologising ?
Man the Brits were evil for dumping their worse in the innocent natives. Hope you get violently decolonized.
- Comment on No Man's Sky Head Claims Team Isn't Close To Being Done With Game's Content 3 months ago:
Expeditions are what you’re looking for, for the most part. There’s also at least two main story lines now. But yeah there needs to be more
- Comment on Data centers powering artificial intelligence could use more electricity than entire cities 3 months ago:
What country are you from?
We don’t get glasses in the US, we get barely laminated paper cups, or plastic cups in the rare occasion the restaurant doesn’t have a disposable plastic mandate. The mouths of said cups are far too wide to reasonably drink out of without straws, and without the lid the cups are far too structurally unstable to drink out of without at least some spillage or awkward handling.
They’re designed for straw based drinking, and changing that would require an entirely different vessel.
- Comment on Data centers powering artificial intelligence could use more electricity than entire cities 3 months ago:
Because the latter isn’t going to happen until someone dies a lot of [REDACTED], and paper straws are fucking awful so while the world burns and the turtles are boiled alive, many may want to drink from a disposable straw that doesn’t melt in your mouth.
- Comment on Laws to regulate misinformation online abandoned, gambling advertising ban pushed to next year 3 months ago:
Outsider looking in, what the fuck Australia, why did you almost do a whole ass ministry of truth? Doesn’t half your government deny climate change?
- Comment on China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History' 3 months ago:
The hackers were able to listen to phone calls and read text messages, reportedly exploiting the system U.S. authorities use to wiretap Americans in criminal cases.
Oh no, the predictable consequences of violating privacy. Anyway don’t let me get in the way of any China bad posting from this
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It’s cheap because it’s industrial waste that has significant cleanup and disposal costs. It was sold to municipalities after there was “research” that it helped tooth health, which it can in much higher concentrations than is in any water supply. But the reason it’s added to water is because the companies that otherwise would have to pay for clean up now make money off the waste product and can afford kickback funds.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
You seem to have confused me with someone that is for putting industrial waste, i.e. fluoride, in drinking water, I’m against it personally.
- Comment on wooly bears 3 months ago:
Grass will grow again in the spring, it’s root system is fine for several months without sunlight… Assuming you have a local grass yard. Your yard is full of multiple species of local grasses and not just a desert of st Augustine right?
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
No, the reason fluoridation in water is widespread is because fluoride is produced far more than there is market to sell it otherwise.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Let’s just not add things to water except to ensure it stays as close to safe from infectious disease as possible. Water is water, it shouldn’t be more than that. Even if what you add is safe for humans, what about the ten billion other uses tap water has that affects the environment.
People shouldn’t have to buy filters if they just want water instead of whatever some random group thinks the population needs instead of just water
- Comment on Israel anger over ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, ex-minister 3 months ago:
Because it’s important to understand what fascists look like, how they respond, how thoroughly evil they are, and how widespread they are; this article, like many others, disputes the common propaganda that netanyahu is unpopular or that the average Israeli doesn’t support genocide.
They all do, or enough that it’s indistinguishable from the whole. Israel can’t be allowed to continue to exist. Changing the government won’t help. There isn’t a reinstate solution. Israel can’t exist.
- Comment on Trump nominates fracking magnate and climate change skeptic as energy secretary 3 months ago:
Maybe Dems shouldn’t have expanded oil drilling to the highest levels on record while leasing off more BLM than previous administrations, while campaigning on genocide.
The owners of the US finally being honest is no different in effect than them hiding behind lies they never intended to fulfill.