- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 10 hours ago:
Three Mile Island and Chernobyl really did change things. Prior to those incidents there were plans to build over 50 more nuclear plants in place which got canceled as a result. Currently oil and gas industries will do all they can to keep nuclear from making a come back, but for a long time they didn’t have to do shit thanks to those catastrophes.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 2 days ago:
I bought a plasma in 2009 that would show static if I turned it to cable channels without cable plugged in. Plasmas were susceptible to burn in and since I would game a lot I could see health bars etc start to burn in after a while. Whenever that would happen I would turn it to the static screen - making each pixel flip from one end of the spectrum to the other rapidly like that would actually help remove the burn in.
- Comment on After six years of hardware ray tracing, the best examples of it are modified old games, like Quake and Minecraft. 2 weeks ago:
Control also did a fantastic job. At some point the reflections on the glass are almost too good. There is a puzzle where you need to look through some windows to solve it and I couldn’t see what the hell was going on because of it and had to turn RTX off. It was otherwise great and I think the difference is dramatic.