- Comment on Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 2 - PV 3 days ago:
I think it’s fundamentally not what the show is about and not every show has to tackle every moral problem. Sometimes you just need interesting antagonists in a story and it would be boring of they were just drones.
Don’t overthink it.
- Comment on Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 2 - PV 3 days ago:
This is a nice contrast to Frieren where demons don’t have souls
Do they not? Aura’s scales of obedience are said to work by “placing her own and the target’s soul onto the scales to weigh their mana”.
- Comment on Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 2 - PV 4 days ago:
Finally someone brings the proper vibes to this coversation. I recently learned there is even a term for this kind of show. “Iyashikei”.
- Comment on Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 2 - PV 4 days ago:
The demons came to a town disgused a peace envoy, a pretend diplomatic mission to disable a magic barrier. This absolutly goes beyond just immitating speech.
- Comment on Anime with alternate orders 4 days ago:
I’m interested in forgetting about it, this is close to triggering. I spent way to much time on TVDB/TMDB trying to match obsure anime downloads with some reasonable airing order. And the specials … oh god deliver me from specials and OVAs.
And yes, as already mentioned “Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” gave a big headache … I probably spend around 2 hours trying to figure out which episide is which and putting them on one of the officals orders.
- Comment on Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 2 - PV 4 days ago:
I haven’t read the Frieren manga, but the show referred to its world’s demons as not actually speaking, but having learned to make human-like noises to elicit desired responses.
I have read ahead quite a bit, but it’s actually not relevant, because the show itself (which is pretty much identical to the manga) already debunks that.
Aura and her executioners are clearly very intellegent and even have an inner monologue. (One of the lines I actually dislike is when one demon asks the other “what is a mother?” And he just replies with “who knows?”. From what we’ve seen from the demons so far, they should totally be capable of having figured out human reproduction.)
- Comment on When fighter jets are scrambled to intercept a plane for security reasons, what can they actually do? 4 days ago:
United 91
- Comment on If Europe and the rest of the worlds response it to make weapons of war, someone will eventually insure they are all used. 6 days ago:
Sure. But the war wasn’t caused by the weapons existing.
- Comment on If Europe and the rest of the worlds response it to make weapons of war, someone will eventually insure they are all used. 6 days ago:
Would Russia been as aggressive if Ukraine still had it’s?
The war is directly linked to the cold war, so it’s pointless to talk what would have happend if the cold war would have ended differently.
But let’s assume the political situation would have been the same and just the stockpile of old sovjet weapons was gone: I’d say yes, they would have been just as aggressive in the beginning. After all the didn’t really intended to be relying on their old stockpile at the start.
- Comment on If Europe and the rest of the worlds response it to make weapons of war, someone will eventually insure they are all used. 6 days ago:
They are made to last for quite a while. Look at Russia, they are still going through equipment and ammunitions made for the cold war. So yeah, as long wars keep happening, there is a good chance weapons will eventually get used. And it doesn’t look like wars are going to stop happening anytime soon.
Also weapons being decomissioned (destroyed without being used) or ageing equipment being converted for training/practice is also quite common. So no, not all weapons will eventually get used in war.
- Comment on If Europe and the rest of the worlds response it to make weapons of war, someone will eventually insure they are all used. 6 days ago:
Yes, I know it’s different that’s what I specified non-perishable. Milk is perishable.
You make weapons of war with the intent of them being used for war.
All tools are made with the intent for being used for their intended purpose …
- Comment on If Europe and the rest of the worlds response it to make weapons of war, someone will eventually insure they are all used. 6 days ago:
That’s kind of true for all non-perishable goods. So what’s your point?
- Comment on anime that are built diffrent 1 week ago:
Akiba Maid War had me laughing and saying “what the fucking is going on?” out loud a lot.
- Comment on Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective • Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - Episode 8 discussion 1 week ago:
I thought the last episode was really good, so I’m itching to watch if the upwards trend continues. But I usually like to bunch up mutli-parters and watch them in one go … mh.
- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 1 week ago:
Yeah, I have 31 remote users (though less then 10 are actually active). If you’re running to the point of supporting that, the plex lifetime pass is just a piss in the wind.
But the lemmy FOSS crowd is strong, we’re severely outnumbered here :D
- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 1 week ago:
OP probably doesn’t have a plex pass.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
Damn these healthy GMOs!
- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 1 week ago:
Unless therer was some major update in the last 6 months I’ve missed, I’d say no … not even close.
- Comment on Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective • Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - Episode 7 discussion 2 weeks ago:
I think this episode was actually one of the best so far.
I figured out the Münchausen by proxy of the mum, that was quite obvious, but the juice swap was actually quite clever. And it’s real, too!. ___
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Hemorrhoid are like super common, like 50% of people will get them eventually. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
I guess you can continue waiting, but I bet eventually the pain will beat out the embarrassment. Just tell them and get help.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 2 weeks ago:
My phone is basically a mp3 player that is used for 2FA. And of course for in case you need to communicate when traveling.
But other than that, I’ll use the laptop whenever possible.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
When was it not?
- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 2 weeks ago:
No photos? Mate … there is a livestream.
- Comment on YSK that scientifically and zoologically, there's no such thing as alpha males, and a human "alpha male" personality is a transgender identity/gender performance 3 weeks ago:
“alpha males” are transgender.
According to you he is transgender and he’s very obviously an activist for that kind of identity. So that’s very much a logicial association (based on your horseshit premise).
- Comment on YSK that scientifically and zoologically, there's no such thing as alpha males, and a human "alpha male" personality is a transgender identity/gender performance 3 weeks ago:
So according to your logic Andrew Tate is a transright activists?
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 3 weeks ago:
You never have to close a browser tab again. If a window is full just minimize it and start a new one!
- Comment on YSK that scientifically and zoologically, there's no such thing as alpha males, and a human "alpha male" personality is a transgender identity/gender performance 3 weeks ago:
I’m with you for the first part, but then you lost me.
- Comment on Can you spot the glitch in the Matrix? 3 weeks ago:
What are the odds of this happening at a public parking place?
They are actually pretty good. Also I think some of the black ones might be blue.
- Comment on For an alien race that visit us, humanity as a whole would be furries. 3 weeks ago:
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits onto non-human entities. So in this context, we’re just talking about non-human animals.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Well, I strongly disagree right back.
Especially smaller instances regularly have reliability or federation issues, so it’s vital for me to be able to hop to an alt account and still the same all feed.