- Comment on Does GitHub Copilot Improve Code Quality? Here's How We Lie With Statistics 2 months ago:
stats published elsewhere show experienced programmers loose productivity using these new tools because they have to debug and fix things.
I think such tools work better for inexperienced programmers who are making small code stuff, like school assignments and self teaching, or need a skeleton made to fill in later.
The problem is that this is not where the big money is at, so a bubble and questionable actions have occurred trying to capitalize on it.
- Comment on Data brokers may be banned from selling your social security number 2 months ago:
Are the agencies that will cease to exist soon just trying to troll people now?
Or is this a shout for help saying they actually can do new and innovative protections, if only they are not disbanded?
This ssn protection has been years denied.
- Comment on Google Testing A More Sponsored Results Button 2 months ago:
The button may “evolve” to be clicked on accidentally because of placement or appearance.
And once people get used to the button, who knows what is next? Watch ads before results shown ?
- Comment on wtf Cambrian 2 months ago:
All of us had ancestors hunted by one or more of those
- Comment on Insider: Tesla Is Breaking Tons of Rules Elon Musk May Slash Under Trump 3 months ago:
I know it’s tempting to think the same thing in human history, that has always happened, will happen again.
Surely this time will be different - Comment on Insider: Tesla Is Breaking Tons of Rules Elon Musk May Slash Under Trump 3 months ago:
I think in normal times Musk would have had pushback, and investigations. And it’s shocking to read, even now.
I suspect in a few years, when comparing all the future things, this will be mostly forgotten; insignificant in the vast sea of misery tied to his name for all history .
If he is lucky, very very lucky, Musk will have a fallout from Trump early on and that will save his name and fortune from the inevitable backlash years from now.
If people hate him now, I faintly shudder to think of how he will be thought of later
- Comment on Deleted my Reddit! I am now entirely federated online except for Pixelfed! 3 months ago:
It always amazed me that Reddit stopped adding new stuff to make it easier ; instead the only changes in years was all the stuff making commotions and scandals.
It’s like they purposefully exist in a frozen tech made years ago and innovation is not something helpful to their business model.
The enshitification and out of touch culture came from a deeply entrenched mindset in the Reddit offices years ago
- Comment on Conversations like this are why I want more people, especially "normies", in the Fediverse 3 months ago:
I have a conspiracy theory that most users who are an expert don’t post much about that.
For example I am an expert on two things most people find obscure; and for all my comments I just avoid talking about them. It’s too hard to wrap up an idea without lots of background information, there are no short posts or comments I can make about it.
Almost all the highly upvoted stuff are short. Were I to try to make an expert post it would be totally ignored. So why bother for me when I can snarky about things I know nothing about ? More fun !
I think experts who write short terse pithy comments that hit the mark, at a timely fashion, are rarer than hens teeth
- Comment on Louisiana schools use Artificial Intelligence to help young children learn to read 3 months ago:
There is a difference between the old fashioned scams with textbooks, and the new AI scams. Its true they have a lot of things in common. But the AI scams are more centralized, more powerful, can make more money. These are forging new ways to con people.
But we have gone through several generations of new scams, they are not all bad. Such greed and kickbacks are probably healthier than realized and contribute to a stable society somehow in a way that escapes me, but I feel is valid
- Comment on Data Show That X Continues to Lose Users in EU. 3 months ago:
Are they not separating bot logins from hunch logins ? I did not see a breakdown for that. I’m wondering if anyone knows
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 3 months ago:
Omg I just realized AI is the new monkeys… that is disturbing
- Comment on Moderators protect us from the worst of the internet. That comes at huge personal cost. 3 months ago:
I tried to moderate in a large subreddit and all I did was protect people who I did not like, or who got into slap fights. Quit after a few months.
- Comment on Microsoft just paused Windows 11 24H2 update for many PCs due to crashes and freezes 3 months ago:
They are a mindless organization, not one or a few using logic. Everyone working there can figure out the general issues, on their own, for sure. But it’s an out of control huge organization. Even the top leadership is along for the ride at this point.
Every department is headed by competent and intelligent people, I assume. But they each only control a small slice of the environment, and even in each division there are many things the middle management cannot control directly. Too big
It’s not like a car manufacturer, there is an exponential difference in the number of parts to control and the complexity.
When the sales, and other parts are woven in, I doubt there is a dozen people alive who can explain how all the company structure works together
- Comment on Reddit is profitable for the first time ever, with nearly 100 million daily users 3 months ago:
I’m sure Reddit is gaming the investors
I would like to believe actual laws are being broken, and one day certain people will go to jail. I am vindictive about that whole series of events. I liked Reddit before piggy and pals destroyed it
- Comment on Reddit is profitable for the first time ever, with nearly 100 million daily users 3 months ago:
I spent ten years on Reddit. I can use that to compare for myself the amount of engagement then and now.
If most of the users are not bots I would be so surprised. I think they lost a huge percentage of traffic and are now knowingly faking live user counts
- Comment on So Long WordPress. 4 months ago:
I think the value of Wordpress is its ecosystem of tens of thousand of plugins. They cannot rewrite it without breaking many of them
The other value of Wordpress is its low entry barrier for writing plugins. One does not need to code well to write a plugin, and often plugins are abandoned-ware, or close. Many of these badly written abandoned plugins are vital to thousands of sites, or more.
Broke plugins stay broken .
By definition wp must never change too much, ever
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 4 months ago:
I’ve intuited, maybe correctly, the service has become changed over the years and is not what it once was. Stuff like this makes me think that maybe my armchair analysis is correct
- Comment on So Long WordPress. 4 months ago:
No, regular intelligence is all I needed. I made over a dozen plugins ( private not sold ) . I no longer have to maintain most.
One can pick up patterns, and the hooks get intuitive.
It’s not a bad framework, for the 1990s. It lacks many things, and God help anyone who wants to put a lot of data in it, or have multiple instances. It can be done , but omg.
And don’t get me started on the bad and lazy work seen in many of the popular plugins .
This is what a lot of the world depends on for day to day existence
- Comment on Meta strikes multi-year AI deal with Reuters. 4 months ago:
If my own project is anything to go by, or the little I know of all my thousands of sisters and bothers who are also coding making and doing their own small projects .
I think wondrous new ways of interacting online, sharing and verifying things, is always around the corner. I can’t even image the next three years.
What we think about news propagation today will seem quaint to all of us later
- Comment on How are Misskey and its forks doing? 4 months ago:
As a dev who is in the middle of making a project myself, this is nightmarish for me to read.
Yes, I know this is not the topic, or how you meant it, but it profoundly affected me in my own way.
Like absolutely blows my mind. It reminds me that any solo projects I do are probably doomed to fail later due to them not being useful at all, or unknown. Or if they are used, then I will get overwhelmed probably, and quit. The only things that seem safe is a teamwork collaboration… and I suck at that.
Right, I am off to learn a new trade, carpentry… perhaps
- Comment on Meta strikes multi-year AI deal with Reuters. 4 months ago:
I am all for propping up news agencies that are worth something to me.
But I think the faster these dinosaurs die, the better off the next generation of news distribution, and faster to arrive also.
Routers, AP, and many other mainstream news sites are directly opposing the progress I want to see by their two dimension, very selective and filtered reporting. If they did this and not many people read them, I would be fine with that. But these oldsters still help maintain a lot of the ignorance, and sometimes even the toxicity, I see in my location. They don’t have to do much to help the reactionary and static forces here. Only just do not report, or ignore many things when they do.
People still rely on these sources too much for their worldviews, and the replacements are not yet ready. One of the reasons the better news sources are not ready is these giants still take up too much reading room
- Comment on WebStorm and Rider Are Now Free for Non-Commercial Use 4 months ago:
Jetbrains has been irritating me by breaking a lot of tools I use because of their race for AI goodness.
I eventually rolled back the phpstorm I use to last year’s release, to get functionality again, and there are dozens of tickets for the issues.
They broke stuff that worked over years. For instance, copy and paste broke when doing in code base and wanting to copy a file.
Either they enshitified, or the war really crippled them and now in trouble, maybe both. I know they lost some real talent
- Comment on Your politics can affect whether you click on sponsored search results, new research shows. 4 months ago:
Non politically correct summary can be :
Bigots R dumb
Reactive personalities, who don’t understand their world , and have no curiosity to look, make great targets for scams etc. They are natural made victims in today’s world
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
The leaks that 2% of the population got very excited about for a while, but try not to think much about? The leaks judged by many on the reputation of an obscure man living in Russia? Those leaks?
I trust my government and not things only nerds understand. Also they sound weird and made up and very scary ( said most of the people)
- Comment on no longer free and open source software since August 27, 2024 4 months ago:
Its because I get irritated by such views, and am bored. I had a lot of fun, but done now
- Comment on no longer free and open source software since August 27, 2024 4 months ago:
I honestly do not care, there are too many open source organizations doing their own plays for money and influence, honestly, in large, they are the best for progress
- Comment on no longer free and open source software since August 27, 2024 4 months ago:
I think anyone arguing that would eventually fall back to not so defined standards to make their point.
Ultimately, from my point of view, I am a developer who makes software that others will take advantage of to make their own profits. I have not made any ground breaking projects yet, but I am working on one the past year, and hope to have it widely used. Maybe it will, maybe not
But, my viewpoint is that users are greedy, they want everything for nothing. I also need users to want to use my stuff. Its a delicate balancing act.
I think ultimately, the op source code did it wrong in the beginning, if they had layered their work more, some of it open source, some closed source, they would not have the backlash now.
Maybe one day my own stuff will have similar controversy, or not! Either way, if people call my own stuff not open source enough, and I am looking at my bank account, I do not care
- Comment on no longer free and open source software since August 27, 2024 4 months ago:
I have a totally different view, if I can use it in my own projects, that are released with an MIT or Apache 2 or similar license, then its open source.
Not that I want to, but I could contribute to, or fork it and privately make changes, then make money off either the original repo or my fork, and its legal.
I could sell one line of code change for a million dollars and then start writing daily taunting letters, daring them to sue me, and I would be fine.
How is that not open source?
- Comment on no longer free and open source software since August 27, 2024 4 months ago:
- None of the Work may be used in any form as part, or whole, of an integration, plugin or app that integrates with Atlassian’s Confluence or Jira products.
its just the apache 2 license with a restriction to not sell this project on one marketplace. Can still sell the code elsewhere. Its still totally open source, and honestly Confluence is not something I would loose sleep on. Jira has been a cash cow for a long time, and I have a beef with them anyway
- Comment on LG monitor asking about ad tracking preferences 4 months ago:
Wtf??! Wow