- None of the Work may be used in any form as part, or whole, of an integration, plugin or app that integrates with Atlassian’s Confluence or Jira products.
its just the apache 2 license with a restriction to not sell this project on one marketplace. Can still sell the code elsewhere. Its still totally open source, and honestly Confluence is not something I would loose sleep on. Jira has been a cash cow for a long time, and I have a beef with them anyway
Grimy@lemmy.world 4 months ago
I mean this does seem kind of fair. I’m not familiar with Confluence and Atlassian but it seems something mostly aimed at corporations, I’m not sur of hiww common it’s use is and how much is affected by this though.
I’m okay with something being 98% open source so they can survive on the extra 2%. And I much rather specific non competes for certain platforms then broad non-commercial clauses.
supermarkus@feddit.org 4 months ago
He should just use AGPL then.
vzq@lemmy.world 4 months ago
That’s substantially more restrictive than “Apache but you can’t sell it through this specific channel”, and it wouldn’t help this particular problem.
It’s not that the knock off extensions don’t want to share their code (they probably do).