Yes but... while they are greedy MFers, part of the problem is that they did need to find a way to make the whole affair profitable, not only for that goal by itself but also so that it could be sustainable. A lot of the controversy is in *how* he tried to accomplish that goal, not *that* he needed to do so - bc any company needs to be sustainable.
Reddit is likewise far from the only tech product that has been enshittified by chasing after profits *to the exclusion of all else*, so there's that too. And I'm not even going to go down the rabbit hole of how much of this chases back to some changes in USA governmental policies at the time (Republicans were in charge of basically everything in ~2019).
Ultimately, Huffman has set himself up as the fall guy - the effigy to hold our attention and hate despite how he merely carried out the will of his masters, the venture capitalist bros behind him. So fuck spez, but also... not *just* him.
Though his ideas and execution of them were *really* fucking spectacularly BAD, so yeah, maybe him more than capitalism even. e.g. the Musk is really dumb, but then along comes Huffman who worships at the guy's feet, thereby making himself somehow even dumber!?!?
So yeah, all their changes were designed to get profits. They didn't work bc again they are REALLY dumb, and did not understand the slightest thing about humanity their userbase, but that didn't stop them from trying to fleece people of as much money as they could. i.e., their stupidity was only outpaced by their greed. 😞 3 months ago
i get the same “frozen” tech feeling from google products. like, there’s issues that any dev that actually uses their own product would want to fix.