- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
Ok thanks for the reply. When you said you had aphantasia and no inner monologue I thought you were a philosiphical zombie. I guess I was wrong, but there is no way to know I suppose.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
That’s interesting, I myself can sometimes think without a monologue. I did it just now, and I am not sure if I do not use words, but I do not actually hear them, but I know the thoughts are there somehow. It often happens on its own when I have a lot of thoughts at the same time or think really fast about something.
But usually I talk to myself in my head, this is either a monologue or a sort of dialogue, and I often tell myself to shut up out loud when no one is around. I also imagine music, and I can enjoy it this way, and I do so pretty accurately. I play by ear.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
I am sorry for the questions, this is really interesting.
What about maths? How do you do geometry? Do you have to have a drawing or can you manage without it? How do you understand geometry if you can’t see it’s objects?
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
And what happens when you read a description of something? Do you just have an idea of what it is, because if so, it seems to me that some of the value of literature will be lost. Do you actually feel anything when you read a description of something beautiful, for instance?
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
Interestingly enough, silent reading was historically uncommon due to the fact that literature was less common than it is now and, most importantly, the lack of separation between words.
The ability to read silently was considered very unusual.
- Comment on How crispy do you want your PETG filament? 3 weeks ago:
I thought this was film. I was so scared lmao.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Surely you can freely discuss this in blue states, right?
- Comment on Some eggs for my 'murican friends 4 weeks ago:
How else would you describe it?
- Comment on Some eggs for my 'murican friends 4 weeks ago:
What you described is the normal one. The american one does not have solid chocolate at all as I described.
- Comment on Some eggs for my 'murican friends 4 weeks ago:
I prefer the normal sized ones.
Or do you mean you will buy the american one?
- Comment on Some eggs for my 'murican friends 4 weeks ago:
If I remember correctly, they don’t even have chocolate in solid form, and the plastic egg splits into two halves, with one having the toy inside and the other some kind of white thing with two balls.
This is not really a kinder egg tbh, it is too different and loses the cool part about it which is the toy being inside the chocolate egg.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
The continuous US states are 8,080,464.3 km2
- Comment on He should have kept smoking 2 months ago:
Start smoking.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
“all of Europe could fit inside the 48 continental states alone” - are you sure about that, fam?
Maybe if you had a clue about what is going on outside of your country you would want to leave it, but alas, you don’t.
- Comment on 2025, still no flying cars! 2 months ago:
You are not the only one.
- Comment on Me posting to lemmy 2 months ago:
- Comment on ... 4 months ago:
Broad consensus may be the “last step of science” only insofar as if the scientific community accepts a theoretical framework as a complete, perfect, objective truth there will be no more science and no more scientific community, only fools and fanatics.
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
The SS ports must be faster because of german efficiency.